Posts tagged: get ready for 2020

Current Forecast

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Hello Dear Beautiful Spirits!

December 2021 through May 2022

2020 and 2021 have been very challenging years. Reeling from the worldwide 2020 Global Reset, we have continued to encounter many disruptions, upsets and uncertainties. Conflicts have seemed to get deeper and even more contentious in 2021. The astrological patterns tell us that these challenges are occurring because change is needed in the outer world and in our personal lives.  The depth of the change will vary in our personal lives depending on what each of us needs to change and transform. Changing and transforming governments, society, businesses and global structures is a much thornier problem, as we see daily in the news.

In 2021, we found ourselves locked in a battle between two astrological energies: Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. This energy pattern can be described as a “disruption in stability”. We can see it reflected in the world. Two sides pushing against each other, trying to gain dominance by blocking and refusing to budge. They both want change; they want it now and they want it their way. So far, this attitude has not produced good results.


Our Personal Lives

The changes we need to make in our personal lives may be easy for some of us. Perhaps some clearing out of our personal environment or changing some habits, attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. Others could experience a dramatic major change of direction in their life path. We should already have ample evidence about what needs to be changed in our personal life because we have been dealing with it all year. Ask yourself what has been the most frustrating and continuing situation or feeling in your life this year. Yep. That’s the one. Good news, this energy is going to reach a conclusion and start to fade. See FORECAST below.

Before we can truly change and transform our own lives, we must unflinchingly face the truth about the foundation of the thoughts and feelings that are holding us back. This is not pleasant and certainly not easy. It takes time to figure out what needs to change and how to do it. That’s why we needed a whole year. However, it is necessary if we want to heal.

It also will entail letting go of something, maybe a lot of somethings. Perhaps it is something you have spent a lot of time and energy on for years. Maybe it is something you thought you could never let go of. Yet now you realize that it is the very thing that has been holding you back from what you want to do next. Honor your experience of that time in your life as an important learning experience and/or achievement on your life path. Then let it go and step forward into your next adventure.

Need help? You might try visualizing the following:

The Gorilla in the Living Room

There he* is. The 800-pound gorilla sitting in your favorite chair and eating all your potato chips. He’s got to go. You know it. But how? You invited him in a long time ago. Possibly you’ve had some great times together. He’s quite comfortable now and not going anywhere on his own.

What are your options? First, since you are the one who created this gorilla in your life, you are the only one who can change it.  Don’t wait for someone else or some outside change in circumstances to do it for you. You are not as helpless as you think you are.

Quit feeding it. Quit reminiscing endlessly about all the wonderful things that you shared or hoped you would, or all the awful things that happened and how unfair it is that he/she/it is eating all your chips. Put your energy into honoring your time together, either as a very wonderful and appropriate part of your life, or as a profoundly challenging learning and growing experience. Then open the door and let the gorilla go with gratitude for your experience and for your newfound freedom.

*“he/him” – The gorilla represents a person (of any gender), a situation, attitude, habit, job, or whatever you have identified that needs to change in your life.



December 2021 and January 2022

Saturn square Uranus will be exact on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2021. It is in effect the entire month of December 2021 through January of 2022. Possibly there will be more upheavals at this time, but maybe we will finally have a realization that sends us on a new track. (These energies will return from July through November 2022, but they will not be as strong. In the USA that might be the mid-term election cycle craziness.)

During December and January, new developments and information are likely to be revealed, perhaps behind the scenes at first.  Intense feelings and realizations will be experienced, which could have a strong transformational effect. This is indicated by both Venus and then Mercury going retrograde in Capricorn and conjuncting powerful Pluto.

February, March, April and May 2022

This four month period will be the easiest time to get things done in 2022. Jupiter in Pisces brings a strong sense of compassion, empathy, creativity, flexibility, kindness, optimism and new possibilities into our toolbox.

Pluto will trine the North Node the entire month of February, indicating some sort of worldwide transformational sharing of feelings.

February 10 to 22 will bring opportunities for innovative ideas and new possibilities, when optimistic Jupiter in compassionate and imaginative Pisces harmoniously blends with innovative Uranus in practical Taurus. (Jupiter sextile Uranus)

From February 13 to March 11 Venus (Love/harmony) and Mars (action/desire) will be closely conjunct for an unusually long period. This indicates a time for love and romance, but also provides an opportunity to improve all types of relationships.

From April 1 to May 9, optimistic Jupiter will conjunct inspirational Neptune in compassionate Pisces, and then blend easily with transformative Pluto in Capricorn, the master sign of manifestation. This can produce an optimistic surge for an imaginative, compassionate new start. Something tangible and transformative has the potential to begin in the world and in our personal lives during this period. To use this energy productively, we need to be sure we stay grounded and avoid going overboard, while taking full advantage this opportunity to manifest our desires.  (Jupiter conjunct Neptune and Jupiter sextile Pluto)

I must say, as I write this, it seems amazing that these very positive, caring and kind energies are coming our way. I don’t know exactly how or why they will manifest, but it certainly is needed.

Change is coming. How we collectively transform is up to us. Even though you may feel helpless, you really can help the world. In fact, it is most important that you do! Meditating, praying and sending heartfelt love to all of humanity and to Mother Earth is very effective. Getting our own lives in order will also add harmony to our collective energy field. We are all connected. Each one of us is important. We are the ones building our reality.

You are so much more powerful than you think you are.


Sending You Love and Joy,


There is nothing permanent except change




The Information below is still available and could be helpful as we go through 2021 and 2022.


Now Free Online – Get Ready for 2020! Seminar

Hello Dear Beautiful Spirits!

The video recording and handouts from my Seminar, “Get Ready for 2020” (seminar on January 29, 2019) are now available online at no charge.

I wanted to share the video and the handouts with you because they contain important information that I hope you will find helpful and uplifting in the turbulent times ahead in 2020 and 2021.

The Seminar is now online and has been edited into two parts:

Part 1: The Global Reset in 2020 and 2021
This section explains how the structure of the world and the lives of individuals will be strongly affected by three major astrological cycles beginning in 2020. Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn is discussed along with world events during previous Saturn/Pluto conjunctions. Part 1 is approximately 35 minutes long.

Part 2: A New Orientation and New Possibilities
This section discusses Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius and the new possibilities it will bring. The past history of Jupiter conjunct Saturn is explained along with why this particular time is so significant because it will usher in a new era. This new era will ultimately manifest as a new orientation in the world and open new possibilities for our future. Also discussed are how we as individuals can use the energies in 2020 and 2021 to reset and reorient our own personal lives. Part 2 is approximately 26 minutes long.

A PDF is available to print that includes three handouts (14 pages total). You can print them by using the Handouts link below. These handouts have a lot of information that you can refer to over the next two years.


Part 1: The Global Reset in 2020 and 2021

Part 2: A New Orientation and New Possibilities


Some last thoughts…….

Everything is unfolding as it should. It is time for the world to go through a restructuring on many levels. The heightened divisions and imbalances we are now seeing around us are forcing us to face long simmering and hidden issues that need to be healed and transformed. We can each help the world by starting with ourselves. This is the time to let go of things, attitudes and behaviors that are no longer helpful in our lives. Be patient, have faith and a positive outlook.

It is going to be all right.

I hope you will find the information in the above videos and handouts helpful and inspiring over the next two years. Please feel free to share this information with others.

Much Love to All!




____June, July & August 2019 Forecast follows this message____

I Am Making Some Changes

This is to let you know I am making some changes on this website.

I have been sharing information about astrology on this website and in various monthly columns, forecasts, newsletters, classes, lectures and seminars for over 35 years. I also was the co-owner of two bookstores, the Blue Unicorn and Moonrise Mountain in Boise Idaho. Both of the bookstores were New Age stores focused on making spiritual information, products, classes and lectures available in our community.

The Blue Unicorn opened in 1986.  In 1986 subjects like reincarnation, meditation, astrology, aromatherapy, incense, alternative health and the “New Age” movement were considered strange and it was hard to find access to information and products in our area (and also probably for most of you who live in other parts of the US and other countries). Of course, now we can find books and products relating to these subjects everywhere and order all of them from Amazon. That is pretty amazing!

Times have changed. And I am changing also. I used to post the forecast on this website once a month and later switched to every three months. Now, I am writing to let you know that I am discontinuing the monthly forecasts. However, I will still post information when I feel I have something helpful and timely to share with you.

As you know, I have written a great deal about the coming Worldwide Reset in previous forecasts.

This global metamorphosis is rapidly progressing and will reach a tipping point in 2020. Powerful changes will continue to unfold over the next few years.

We each can contribute to the end result of this World Reset by focusing on Love. WE ARE ALL ONE. Our combined energies are determining our reality. The situations and people around us that we find disturbing and upsetting are a manifestation of energies that currently exist in this Oneness. When we look at the face of someone in the news who we rail against, what we are seeing is a part of the Whole and therefore part of us. We are all connected. We are now seeing is what needs to be healed.

It sounds like an overwhelming and impossible task, but each of us can make a bigger difference than we may realize. If we want to eradicate fear and hate, the first thing to do is to stop contributing to it. We can pull ourselves out of that fearful state of mind by focusing on something positive. We don’t have to jump directly to Universal Love and Peace for all Mankind. We can take things one step at a time, depending where we are in our life.

I would like to share with you a simple technique I use for bringing positive energy into my life, especially during those times when I am feeling overwhelmed. I started doing this when I was sixteen years old. (Yes, many, many years ago!) It may sound silly, but it really works. Each night before I went to sleep, I focused on just one thing I was going to do the next day that was positive and made me feel excited and joyful. I found it did not need to be a big thing, in fact a small thing was easier and yet very effective.

When I was sixteen, it might have been wearing a new sweater, or saying “hi” to that cute boy that walked past my locker after third period, or looking forward to a school assembly. Just one small thing everyday. I did this for a year. I literally jumped out of bed every morning with that one thing on my mind. I wasn’t thinking about the cosmic order of things back then. I was just trying to make my life better. Those tiny little victories and happy feelings made a huge difference in my life. I gained self confidence and felt more energetic and hopeful.

All of you certainly have the ability to do this. It’s easy and simple. Before you go to sleep think about one small thing you can do the next day that will give you a positive feeling. (You can start with positive and work up to exciting and joyful.) It could be something that lasts for just a moment or throughout the day. Helping someone in need, seeing a friend, petting your dog or cat, saying hello to someone you would like to know better, being in nature, reading a good book, taking a nap or even a making a great sandwich will qualify. Focus on the positive thing you are going to do the next day before you go to sleep and again when you first wake up. Smile to yourself and see yourself achieving that one positive thing – e.g. Wow! That’s the best sandwich I ever made! What you do isn’t important, it’s how you feel about it that matters.

By doing one small positive thing a day, you are succeeding everyday. Keep your focus on the positive and that is what you will find. There are way more possibilities for small positive moments in your life than you think and you only need to try for one a day. This doesn’t mean you will no longer have challenges, but it sure makes life more enjoyable because you are now noticing the positive small moments that you may have taken for granted or overlooked before.

Here is the best part. By creating one small bright spot in your day, you are uplifting the Whole, one moment at a time. Give it a try. You don’t have to tell anyone. Do it for a week and see what happens. It really does work.

I want to give ALL OF YOU my heartfelt thanks for your kind words, encouragement, time and interest. Whether I’ve known you for 35 years or you just started visiting this website, I feel we are all friends in spirit.

I am not going away, just changing my focus. I will be posting more information in the future. There is going to be a lot to talk about.



Much Love to All You Beautiful Spirits!




Summer Newsletter

June, July and August 2019

World Overview

Much of the following information has been written about in previous newsletters, but it is worth repeating.

They are all conjunctions, which means the planets are at the same exact degree and sign in the Zodiac and are merging their energies. It is a very powerful energy and represents a new beginning. The fact that these three powerful conjunction cycles all converge in 2020 indicates the beginning of major changes in world power and control, human development and the social order. We are entering a new era. We may not be able to see clearly what is happening for many years, but we can decide to be part of this new energy and have faith that something positive is going to be birthed.

Although the exact dates of these cycles occur in 2020, they are already underway. These cycles are:

CYCLE 1: Saturn conjunct Pluto in CAPRICORN
January 2018 to December 2021 – Exact on Jan 12, 2020, at 23° Capricorn

This energy brings an overwhelming focus on power and control – as in who has it and who doesn’t. During this period there will be re-organization of power in the world. The energies of this conjunction began to be felt in January 2018 and we have already seen it reflected in the world. It will grow much stronger in 2019 and be very strong in 2020 and 2021. We can observe its effects so far, but at this point, it is impossible to know how it all turns out in the end. It will be many years before we can really grasp the significance of this time in history.

CYCLE 2: Jupiter conjunct Pluto in CAPRICORN
January 2020 to February 2021 – Exact in 2020 on Apr 4, Jun 29, and Nov 12  (23-25° Capricorn)

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and optimism will merge with Pluto’s desire for power and transformation. This energy brings the rapid expansion of power and optimism. However, it is very important how this energy is used. It can be very positive when used for the betterment of all, but detrimental when used for individual aggrandizement.

CYCLE 3: Jupiter conjunct Saturn in AQUARIUS
January 2020 to April 2021 – Exact on Dec 21, 2020 at 00° Aquarius.

This is a very important cycle that is linked to the development of social structures and human development and can indicate a new social order. The energy of Aquarius is much different than the Capricorn energy discussed above. Aquarius is an air sign and has an objective, progressive, scientific, innovative, independent and humanitarian aims. It is the sign of mankind in general.

The Jupiter Saturn conjunction occurs every 20 years, but this conjunction is much more significant than usual. The Jupiter Saturn conjunctions go through many 20 year cycles occurring in the signs that are in the same element (fire, earth, air or water). Jupiter Saturn conjunction has been in the earth element for about the last 200 years. The earth element is focused on wealth creation, material security, resources, land settlement and material goods.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 will change from the earth to the air element. The year the conjunction changes elements is called the “Great Mutation”. 2020 is a Great Mutation year. While the past 200 years have been oriented to the material world, that orientation will now begin to shift toward the air element which is focused on social progress, intellectual development, new concepts and the development of human consciousness. This will become the focus over the next 200 years. The last time this cycle was in the air element was almost 800 years ago, 1226 to 1424.


There’s no denying we are in a time of great challenge, great change and great stress. Things are not the way they used to be. We may have thought at first that everything would return to some kind of “normalcy”, but that is not the case. The whole world seems askew. What we thought we could rely on has gone missing. The traditional structures that gave us a feeling of permanence and safety seem to be slipping away.

What we may not recognize is that this is also a period of great potential. We are entering a time of a major evolution in human consciousness. We needed this big shock to wake us up and get us ready to play our part in the years ahead. We are at the end an era. The old energies are losing strength.
A new era is coming in the 2020’s. This will be a huge transformation that is too vast for us to grasp while we are in the middle of it. We will see some glimmers of what is to come, but we must be patient and let the cycle run its course.

What is being emphasized now is not what’s coming. It’s what is leaving. We stand at a crossroads. We must trust and focus on the love in our hearts to guide us. Know that you are always loved and guided. All you have to do is ask for help and guidance and it will be given. Never underestimate how powerful you are when you tune into your Loving Divine Self. What you have experienced in your life so far led you to this place and time. Our collective thoughts, feelings and choices will shape this new era and you will be an important part of the process.




Times used are Mountain Time (Zone 7), either Standard MST or Daylight Savings MDT. Planetary degrees are rounded off.

June and July 2019 could see some significant developments in the world as issues come to a turning point pertaining to the Re-set of worldwide power, structure and control referred to above.

JUNE 1 – 9

Jun 1: A good day for hands-on activities, enjoying the the physical comforts of life, doing the things we love and spending time with those we love. Being out in nature, whether taking a hike, planting a garden or just relaxing, and communing with nature can be restorative. The afternoon will be a good time for deepening our connections with others.
Jun 2: We are likely to feel a little restless today and want to move about, talk to others and be spontaneous. The evening could find us expressing deep feelings and planning for the future. We may experience a profound realization about what we really value. It will also be a good time for creative endeavors and beautifying our surroundings.
Jun 3 -6: The NEW MOON occurs on Jun 3 at 13° Gemini, 4:02 am MDT. Many new ideas may capture our attention at this time. It may be hard to concentrate due to a short attention span or because there is so much information that we have a hard time keeping up with it. Many of these ideas are likely to be overidealistic and impractical. Don’t jump to conclusions. Focus on ideas that blend inspiration, ceativity and a positive vision for the future with responsible, organized and practical ways to manifest that future. We may feel impatient and emotional Jun 4-6 as we are forced to face challenges that could complicate our plans. Ideas and information will continue to develop and will be revealed by the Full Moon the week of Jun 17. We will see this reflected out in the world and also in our personal lives. What do you envision for your future?
Jun 7-8: Positive and enthusiastic days that bring exciting news or uplifting conversations. Jun 7 would be a good day for meetings, social occasions, creative activities and thinking about the future. The optimistic energy continues on Jun 8 when we turn our focus to practical matters by mid-afternoon.
Jun 9: This is a day when we could grapple with dreams versus reality. How to blend our hopes and dreams with down to earth actions may seem like a huge challenge. We are likely to be focusing on details and criticisms at this point. That’s okay. It is good to look at things realistically, but also be aware that there are imaginative solutions to practical problems.

JUN 1: Moon Tau trine Sat Cap, conj Ven Tau, trine Plu Cap. JUN 2: Ven Tau trine Plu Cap. JUN 3: New Moon, 13 Gem 4:02 am MDT. Moon Gem sqr Nep Pisc and opp Jup Sag. JUN 4: Plu conj 2020 Sat Conj Plu degree. Moon Gem conj Merc 9:42 am. Moon into Can 10:17 am. Merc into Can 2:05 pm. Moon Can sext Ura Tau 6:36 pm. JUN 5: Moon Can conj Mars 8:48 am, trine Nep Pisc 6:06 pm, opp Sat Cap 7:28 pm. JUN 6: Jup Sag Sesqui Ura Tau. Moon Can opp Plu Cap 1:01 am, sext Ven Tau 8:10 am, and opp Ura Tau, 9:37 pm. JUN 7: Merc Can sext Ura Tau, Moon Leo sext Sun Gem 5:47 pm and trine Jup Sag 10:35 pm. JUN 8: Moon Leo sqr Ven Tau 3:23 pm. Moon into Virgo 3:45 pm. Venus into Gem 7:37 pm. Moon Vir trine Ura Tau midnight. JUN 9: Sun Gem sqr Nep Pisc. Moon from 5 pm to midnight: Moon Vir sext Mars Can, opp Nep Pisc, sqr Sun Gem, trine Sat Cap, sqr Jup Sag.

JUNE 10-16

Jun 10: The issues we dealt with on Sunday are still with us on Monday, but we are feeling more positive and inspired. Guard against a tendency to overdo and to be overidealistic at this time. Relationships are favored in the evening.
Jun 11: We may need to deal with others who seem a bit touchy and defensive during the afternoon and evening. Or, perhaps we are the ones feeling grouchy. Either way, avoid needless arguments and let this energy pass by.
Jun 12: We wake up feeling positive about the future, but may have to deal with a short lived challenge (perhaps a power struggle) first thing in the morning. Focus on getting things balanced and in order today and don’t try to make something happen. There could be an uneasy energy that is hard to pinpoint.
Jun 13: We may feel on edge and restless first thing in the morning, but that will pass fairly quickly. The rest of the day will find us putting energy into our hopes and dreams. This will be a good time to open our imagination to all possibilities.
Jun 14-16: After yesterday’s possibilities come today’s realities. The big question now is how to actually achieve our dreams. The answer is hard work, courage, determination, patience and a willingness to take responsibility for our own future. There will be some helpful and positive energies to get us started on figuring this out now and over the next week. There will also be challenges. The decisions we make in June and July and the resulting actions we take will have a bigger impact on our overall life plan than we realize. It is important to focus on the highest and best in ourselves and how our actions will impact not only ourselves, but others, too. This is a time when the actions we take have karmic consequences. The tensions in the outer world will be active and building. Even though the Full Moon occurs on Monday, Jun 17, we will feel its affects starting Friday, Jun 14. See Jun 17 below.

JUN 10: Moon Vir trine Plu Cap 6 am. Sun Gem opp Jup Sag. Moon Lib 6:29 pm. Moon Lib trine Ven Gem 6:55 pm. JUN 11: Moon Lib sqr Merc Can 3 pm, sqr Mars Can midnight. JUN 12: Moon Lib trine Sun Gem 7 am and sqr Plu Cap 9 am. Ura conj Sun/Nep midpt. Ven Gem Sesqui Sat Cap. JUN 13: Moon Scor opp Ura Tau 7 am. Mars Can trine Nep Pisc. JUN 14: Mars Can conj N Node. Sat Cap opp N Node. Mars Can opp Sat Cap. Mars Can quincunx Jup Sag. Moon Scor trine Nep Pisc, trine Mars Can, sext Sat Cap and sext Plu Cap. JUN 15: Moon Sag opp Ven Gem 6:23 pm. JUN 16: Jup Sag sqr Nep Pisc. Merc conj N Node. Merc Can trine Nep Pisc. Merc Can opp Sat Cap

JUNE 17-23

Jun 17-20: The FULL MOON occurs at 26°, Sagittarius, 2:31 am MDT on Jun 17. We will now see the results of actions and intentions put into motion at the New Moon on Jun 3. Tensions have been building since Jun 14. There may have been power struggles, arguments, blow-ups and aggressive actions in the world, and depending on our birth chart, possibly in our personal lives. Whether these energies have erupted yet or not, rest assured, there is more to come. However, there are positive energies also. We are being given an opportunity to blend imagination and inspiration with reality and responsibility in order to come up with a new and structure and organization in our lives. The entire four day period from Jun 17 – 20 will be crackling with energy. We are already starting on the major re-set in the world that was written about at the beginning of this forecast.
Jun 21-23: Things should settle down for awhile at this point. On Jun 21 at 9:54 am MDT, the SUMMER SOLSTICE occurs in the northern hemisphere as the Sun moves into Cancer. The Moon in Pisces on Jun 22-23 brings a calming spiritual energy and we seek solitude and restful reflection. Venus opposite Jupiter could also contribute to a desire for harmony and pleasantness.

JUN 17: FULL MOON 26° Sag, 2:31 am. Mars and Merc in Can opp Sat/Plu midpt Cap. JUN 18: Sat Cap sext Nep Pisc. Merc conj Mars Can. Moon Cap conj Sat, sext Nep 9 to11 pm. JUN 19: Merc Can opp Plu Cap. Mars Can opp Plu Cap. Moon Cap conj Sat and sext Nep, 9-11 pm. JUN 20: Mars opp 2020 Sat conj Plu degree. Jun 21: Nep Sta Rx 19 Pisc. Moon Aquar sext Jup Sag 8 am. Summer Solstice, 9:54 am MDT. JUN 22: Moon Pisc trine Sun Can 9:57 am. JUN 23: Ven Gem opp Jup Sag and quincunx Sat Cap. Moon Pisces sext Sat Cap, sqr Ven Gem, sqr Moon Pisc and conj Nep, 7-10 pm.

JUNE 24-30

Jun 24: Feelings of compassion, caring and imagination will be strong throughout the day and into the late afternoon. This will enable us to come up with some creative ideas and actions that help others.
Jun 25-26: The energies during this two day period will be active and energetic with an impulse to get things started and moving. This could cause some fiery conversations that ultimately bring a breakthrough.
Jun 27-28: The energies are more stable at this time and real progress can be made. We may come across some innovative and realistic ideas that can improve our lives. Be open to trying something different.
Jun 29: Get tasks done by early afternoon. The evening will be a favorable time for fun and entertainment. Interactions with others will be helpful and inspirational.
Jun 30: We may have a tendency to daydream and be a little scattered. Creativity and imagination will be strong. Write down your ideas so they won’t drift away. This would be a good day to take it easy and explore your creative side, but probably not so great for making important decisions.

JUN 24: Ven Gem sqr Nep Pisc. Moon Pisc sext Plu Cap, trine Mars Can and trine Merc Can. Moon into Aries 8:38 pm. JUN 25: Moon in Aries. JUN 26: Moon Aries trine Jup Sag, sqr Sat Cap, sext Ven Gem and sqr Plu Cap. Merc into Leo 6:20 pm. JUN 27: Sun Can sext Ura Tau. Moon Tau conj Ura and sext Sun. JUN 28: Moon Tau trine Sat Cap and sext Nep Pisc. JUN 29: Merc Leo Sesqui Jup Sag. Moon Tau sext Mars Can. Moon into Gem 3:09 pm. JUN 30: Moon Gem opp Jup Sag and sqr Nep Pisc.

JULY 2019

The tensions building in June in the world (and for some of us in our personal lives) could reach a climax in July. This could be a turbulent month. A solar eclipse on July 2 in Cancer followed by a lunar eclipse on July 16 in Capricorn makes July 2019 a time of shifting circumstances that will influence us for the next 3 to 6 months. These eclipses will challenge the USA birth chart very strongly. (USA born July 4, 1776) Issues regarding power and control plus economic concerns could occur. The next set of eclipses will be even stronger: A solar eclipse on Dec 26, 2019 in Capricorn and a lunar eclipse in Cancer on Jan 10, 2020. What happens around the July 2019 eclipses will be connected to the eclipses in Dec 2019 and Jan 2020.

JULY 1- 7

Jul 1: Enthusiasm and a fun loving attitude make this a pleasant day. This leads to a desire to play instead of work. Have fun!
Jul 2-5: The Solar Eclipse/New Moon occurs on Jun 2 at 11° Cancer, 1:16 pm MDT. This four day period will bring something to our attention that could have long term consequences. Disagreements and possible assertive actions may erupt now and escalate over the coming week. Mercury is standing still in the heavens as it prepares to turn retrograde on July 7. This adds more tension as misunderstandings, mistakes or breakdowns can cause problems in communication, commerce and travel. It will be important not to jump to conclusions at this time.
Jul 6: We should be able to sift fact from fiction at this time even though we still need to be aware that Mercury is turning retrograde the next day. This will be a good day to get our surroundings in order and to take care of our physical and material needs.

Jul 7: Mercury turns retrograde (see below). We may feel unsure about something at this time. It is not the time to make major decisions as we do not have all the pertinent information. Especially avoid anything that seems the least bit suspect.

July 7 to July 31: Mercury Retrograde (4° Leo back to 24° Cancer)
In astrology the planet Mercury is associated with the mind, the nervous system, speaking, learning, thinking, reasoning, memory, education, reading, information, communications, technology, transportation, travel, commerce activities, buying and selling.

Mercury is retrograde (appears to move backwards from our view on Earth) about three times a year. When Mercury is retrograde, we tend to get distracted. This can cause problems in travel and communications. It is also a time when we may experience mechanical and technological breakdowns. Be alert in all forms of communication, transportation, travel and mental activities. Mercury retrograde does not mean that everything will get mixed up, but there is an increased chance for that to happen if we don’t pay attention.

The effects of Mercury Retrograde are often the strongest around the beginning and the end dates of the retrograde phase. The four days just before the retrograde phase begins and just after it ends can be quite unsettled. It also can take up to three weeks after the retrograde phase ends to tie up all the loose ends of the activities that occurred during the retrograde phase.

Mercury Retrograde is a time to pause and go back over things rather than begin something brand new. This is a good time to take care of repairs, finish projects, get caught up and cleaned up. Stop and look around at your life. See what needs to be finished, repaired, researched, revised or reevaluated. It is also a good time for cleaning, sorting, organizing and clearing out. It can be a serendipitous time, too, when fun, surprising and exciting events happen.

If you are a Gemini or Virgo sun sign, pay special attention. You are likely to always feel the Mercury retrograde periods strongly because Mercury is your sun sign ruler.

See more Information on Mercury Retrograde

JUL 1: Moon Gem conj Ven 3-4 pm. Mars into Leo 5:20 pm. JUL 2: New Moon/Solar Eclipse, 11 Can, 1:16 pm. JUL 3: Merc Leo Sesqui Nep Pisc. Moon Can opp Plu Cap, 7-9 am. Ven into Can 9:18 am. Moon Leo conj Mars 10pm -midnight. JUL 4: Mars Leo Sesqui Jup Sag. Moon Leo sqr Ura Tau 6-8 am. Plu opp Sun/Mars midpt. JUL 5: Moon in Vir. JUL 6: Moon Vir trine Ura Tau 7-9 am, and sext Sun in Can 10 pm -midnight. JUL 7: Mars Leo Sesqui Nep Pisc. Merc Sta Rx 4° Leo 5:15 pm.

JULY 8 – 14

Jul 8-14: Disagreements could escalate in the world over this entire week due to misunderstandings or surprising aggressive actions. The energies will be volatile and the fight for power and control on full display. Some of us may feel this in our personal lives, too, but we have a choice as how to handle these powerful energies. There are also some helpful energies. See each day below:
Jul 8: We need to be mindful of Mercury retrograde, but the energies now are helpful and positive for working with others to make innovative changes in our lives.
Jul 9: This could be a challenging day. We will need to face some facts that we don’t like. It may be discouraging, yet it is also important to see the situation in the cold light of day in order to effectively deal with it.
Jul 10: The energies bring a tendency to be prickly and easily offended during the morning to mid afternoon. It could be easy to get into arguments or confrontations during this time. However, the late afternoon and evening is much more conducive to peace and understanding. That is a much better time to connect with others and to focus on the positive things in our lives.
Jul 11: This may be a day of sudden angry eruptions and assertion of power and control that is greatly resisted. Things can escalate quickly. However, there are some reasonable and peaceful energies as the day moves forward that could help. Drive carefully today and avoid getting in arguments. We may have to face something we have been hoping would go away. This energy is not going to go away and will keep increasing until it reaches a climax at the Full Moon next week. Trying to figure it all out right now will be impossible. Instead, focus on positive and loving energy and stay in the moment.
Jul 12-13: These will be more upbeat and positive days. The energies of caring, optimism and compassion will be strong. We will be able to see some actions we can take to improve our lives. By the end of the day we may become aware of rumblings out in the world. See Jul 14.
Jul 14: Another day when we will be presented with facts that force us to deal with something. There could a confrontation between those in power. The morning hours will be tense. This could also be a time when we start to become aware of something that alters our perception of our current situation. Some secrets may be revealed. We will start to feel the building energies of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse that is coming on Jul 16.

JUL 8: Ven Can sext Ura Tau. Merc Rx Leo conj Mars. JUL 9: Sun Can opp Sat Cap. Moon Lib sqr Plu Cap noon-2 pm. JUL 10: Moon Scor (8 am – 4 pm) sqr Merc Rx Leo, sqr Mars Leo and opp Ura Tau. JUL 11: Mars Leo sqr Ura Tau. Moon Scor (9 am – 7 pm) sext Sat Cap, trine Nep Pisc, trine Sun Can and sext Plu Cap. JUL 12: Merc Rx Leo Sesqui Nep Pisc. Moon Sag (2-11pm) trine Merc Rx Leo, trine Mars Leo. JUL 13: Moon Sag conj Jup 1-3 pm, sqr Nep 7-9 pm. JUL 14: Sun Can opp Plu Cap.

JULY 15 – 21

Jul 15-17: The LUNAR ECLIPSE/FULL MOON occurs on Jul 16 in Capricorn, 24°, 3:39 pm MDT, and its energies will dominate this three day period. Confrontations could erupt in the world along with an intensification of a struggles for power and control. We will probably have to face some unpleasant facts. What will be seeing out in the world is part of a much longer process that will be at its strongest in 2020. There is still a long road ahead. We will go through many changes and what we see in the world now can be misleading.
In our personal lives an ongoing situation could reach a culmination. The issues that come up now could relate to duty, obligation and responsibility versus love, enjoyment and happiness in our lives. Finding a way to honor all of these aspects is the challenge. We could gain a new awareness now that brings about a breakthrough. We may realize a that a major transformation regarding how we are using our talents, energies and abilities is needed. This in turn could lead to a shift in direction over the next six months.
Jul 18: This will be a welcome positive day. We will feel more objective and tuned into the positive and spiritual side of life.
Jul 19: The energies will be unsettled and irritable. This would be a good day to attend to routine matters or just relax and take the day off.
Jul 20-21: We could see the dramatic healing power of love in action this weekend. Creative energies are also very strong at this time. This will be a good time to reflect on the deeper nature of love, caring, harmony and kindness, and to connect with our Higher Self, to all others on the planet, and to those who watch over us in other realms.

JUL 15: Sun Can opp 2020 Sat conj Plu degree. JUL 16: Lunar Eclipse/ Full Moon 24 deg Cap, 3:38 pm. Moon Cap conj Sat Cap, conj Plu Cap. Ven Can opp Sat Cap, quincunx Jup Sag. JUL 17: Ven Can conj N Node. JUL 18: Ven Can trine Nep Pisc. Moon Aquar sext Jup Sag, 8-10am. JUL 19: Merc Rx into Can, Plu sqr Sun/Sat midpt. Merc Rx sqr Mars/Sat midpt. JUL 20: Moon Pisc sqr Jup Sag and sext Sat Cap 8 pm – midnight. JUL 21: Ven Can opp Plu Cap. Sun conj Merc Rx in Cancer. Moon in Pisc conj Nep, sext Plu Cap, trine Ven Can and trine Merc Can.

JULY 22 -28

Jul 22: The desire to move ahead and get things started will be strong. We can come up with some creative ideas today.
Jul 23: Over-enthusiasm in the morning could lead to us to take on more work than we bargained for later in the day. Consider that before taking on a project.
Jul 24: Slow down and pay attention when communicating and traveling. Mix-ups could occur, especially if you do something just to be nice. Don’t agree to anything unless you really mean it, and if you do, then do it with all your heart. The energies could be somewhat tense in the evening and we may feel a little tired or out of sorts.
Jul 25: We come up with big plans during the day that can turn out well as long as we don’t take on too much. Get whatever you want to do before 7 pm MDT. Things could reach a standstill at that time. At the end of the day we should feel very satisfied with our efforts.
Jul 26: This will be a good day for manifesting our desires. As long as we work together much can be accomplished.
Jul 27: A day to keep our options open and see what happens. It will be a favorable time to go to an open air market or some place where there is lots of variety, entertainment and freedom of movement.
Jul 28: We can be easily distracted today so keep an open schedule. The energies are scattered and changeable. Trying to tackle something that will take a lot of concentration and patience is likely to be frustrating. This is a day to go with the flow.

JUL 22: Moon in Aries. Sun into Leo 8:51 pm. Sun Leo Sesqui Jup Sag. JUL 23: Moon Aries trine Jup Sag, 9-11am. Moon Aries sqr Sat Cap 11:30 am-1 pm. Moon sqr Plu 10 pm-midnight. JUL 24: Moon Aries (6-10 am) sqr Ven Can and sqr Merc RX Can. Merc Rx conj Ven Can. Moon into Tau 3:42 pm. Moon Tau sqr Sun Leo 6-8 pm. JUL 25: Mars Leo trine Jup Sag. Moon Tau sqr Mars Leo (6-8 pm) and trine Sat Cap (8-10 pm). JUL 26: Moon Tau trine Plu Cap, sext Merc Rx Can and sext Ven Can. JUL 27:Moon in Gemini. Venus into Leo 7:54 pm. JUL 28: Moon Gemini sext Mars Leo and sqr Nep Pisc.


Jul 29: There could be some surprises today that turn out to be fun even if somewhat startling.
Jul 30: This will be an intense day, especially in the evening. There will be a strong desire to get to the “truth” and to discuss things thoroughly. Mercury retrograde is about to go direct which means we will be prone to mix-ups, misunderstandings and gaffes. Emotions will be strong and could lead us to say something without thinking about the consequences.
Jul 31: Mercury turns direct around 10 pm MDT. The tendency today will be to open mouth and insert foot. A good mantra for today would be, “I will think before I speak.” Perhaps we will have learned this from the previous day’s events. The NEW MOON occurs at 9°, Leo, 9:12 pm MDT. The energies of this New Moon can offer us inspiration, but there will also be some contentious energies and tendency for stubbornness.
Aug 1: If we want to get things done, we should do so before 3 pm MDT. After that attend to routine duties and tasks. Relationships could take a surprising turn this evening.
Aug 2: Relationship surprises from the previous evening could carry over to this morning. Things become stabilized and pleasant by late afternoon. This will also be a favorable time for creative activities and trying new methods could have surprisingly good results.
Aug 3: This is a good day for blending practical ideas and actions with inspiration and imagination. It’s a positive time to get organized and come up with a plan of action.
Aug 4: We may now realize that an adjustment in our actions will be needed in order to reach our aims. Think about how to blend imagination with practicality without sacrificing one for the other. Tricky, isn’t it? Start by narrowing down the best aspects of each. The answer may be to try something unconventional.

JUN 29: Sun Leo sqr Ura Tau. Moon Can sext Ura Tau 3-5 pm MDT. JUL 30: Mars Leo quincunx Nep Pisc. Moon Can (4 -11 pm) opp Plu Cap and Moon conj Merc Sta Dir Can. JUL 31:Moon Leo sqr Ura Tau 4-7 pm. New Moon 9 deg 9:12 pm MDT-New Moon conj Ven Leo and sqr Ura Tau. AUG 1: Moon Leo 2:48 pm then void of course for rest of the day. AUG 2: Ven Leo sqr Ura Tau. Moon Vir trine Ura Tau 4-7 pm. AUG 3: Moon Vir trine Sat Cap, opp Nep Pisc, trine Plu Cap and sext Mer Can. AUG 4: Mars Leo quincunx Plu in Cap. Moon Lib sext Ven Leo 10-midnight.

AUGUST 5 – 11

Aug 5: We may feel overworked and underappreciated during the day. By late evening our spirits lift and we are feeling much lighter.
Aug 6: The energy today is focused and intense. A battle of wills could occur 7-10 pm. A sense of humor and a positive outlook will help diffuse the tension.
Aug 7: This will be an inspiring and positive day. We might be feeling a little oversensitive in the morning, but that will be temporary. Deep feelings and strong intuition coupled with a practical approach will be good for planning and problem solving.
Aug 8: A generally happy energy day that brings an optimistic outlook and good relations with others.
Aug 9-10: Pleasant energy days that help us look at the positive side of life.
Aug 11: We could have an inner sense that our attention is shifting toward a new direction. A phase has been completed in one part of our life and a turning point has been reached in another. If we stop and tune into the energies, we may be able to see this more clearly.

AUG 5: Moon Lib ( 8 am -7pm) sqr Sat Plu and sqr Plu Cap. Moon Lib sext Mars 7:30-9:30 pm. AUG 6: Moon Scor opp Ura Tau 7-10 pm. Sun Leo trine Jup Sag in orb – exact on Aug 7. AUG 7: Sun Leo trine Jup Sag. Moon Scor sqr Sun and Ven Leo 7-11 am. Moon Scor ( 11 am -11 pm) sext Sat Cap, trine Nep Pisc, sext Plu Cap. AUG 8: Ven Leo trine Jup Sag. Moon Scor trine Merc Can 7-9 am. Moon into Sag 2:35 pm. AUG 9: Moon in Sag conj Jup, trine Ven Leo, trine Sun Leo sqr Nep Pisc. AUG 10: Moon Sag trine Mars Leo. Aug 11: Jupiter Direct 14 Sag. Uranus Rx 7 Tau. Moon in Cap trine Ura Tau 10am -Noon. Merc into Leo 1:45 pm.

AUGUST 12 – 18

Aug 12: A good day to blend inspiration with practical matters. Time to take care of business.
Aug 13-15: The Full Moon is building and we may sense that something is brewing. We could have good creative and positive ideas on Aug 13-14. The FULL MOON occurs on Aug 15 at 22° Aquarius, 6:29 am MDT. We may become focused on issues pertaining to relationships, women, children or families, either in our personal lives or in the outside world. A turning point regarding these matters will be reached at this time.
Aug 16-17: Surprising news or a conversation with someone on Aug 16 may be shocking or upsetting, but also intriguing. By Aug 17, we have begun to look at things more calmly and the energies settle down.
Aug 18: We will have a desire to start something new and add some excitement to our lives. Do something that is challenging and fun.

AUG 12: Moon Cap sext Nep Pisc and conj Plu Cap. AUG 13: Moon Aquar opp Merc Leo and sqr Ura Tau. Sun Leo conj Ven. AUG 14:Moon Aquar sext Jup Sag. AUG 15: Full Moon 22 Aquar, 6:29 am MDT. Moon Aquar opp Sun Leo, opp Ven Leo and opp Mars Leo. AUG 16: Merc Leo sqr Ura Tau. Moon Pisc sext Ura Tau. AUG 17: Mars Leo Sesqui Sat Cap. Moon Pisc conj Nep and sext Plu Cap. Mars into Virgo 11:19 pm. AUG 18: Moon in Aries.

AUGUST 19 -25

Aug 19: We will feel energized and ready to go in the morning. Work and duties will claim our attention in the afternoon and we will feel good about our accomplishments by the end of the day.
Aug 20: The late afternoon and evening will be a good time for creative, romantic or social activities. Do something fun and expressive. Let your Light shine.
Aug 21: The late morning hours could bring an unexpected change in plans, but we may appreciate the chance to do something unusual.
Aug 22: A good day to get things in order and do some practical planning.
Aug 23: Summer is starting to draw to a close and we may start thinking about what’s coming up in September. That is fine, but avoid a tendency to overthink and get worried or stressed. We may feel scattered today. Relax and have a nice cup of tea. It will all work out.
Aug 24-25: Our focus turns to making improvements to the practical and earthy side of our lives – good health, security, order, stability and maintaining home and hearth. We may feel like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter.

AUG 19: Moon in Aries trine Merc Leo 8-10 am. Moon Aries(3 – 5 pm) sqr Sat Cap and trine Jup Sag. AUG 20: Moon Aries (4 –11pm) trine Sun Leo and Ven Leo. AUG 21: Merc Leo trine Jup Sag. Ven into Vir. Moon conj Ura Tau 10-Noon). AUG 22: Moon Tau sext Nep Pisc and trine Plu Cap. AUG 23: Sun into Vir 4:02 am. Moon Gem sqr Sun Vir, sqr Ven Vir and sqr Mars Vir. AUG 24: Ven conj Mars Vir, Moon Gem opp Jup Sag, sqr Nep Pisc, sext Merc Vir. AUG 25: Moon Can sext Sun Vir, sext Mars Vir and sext Ven Vir.


Aug 26: This is a good day to bring more love, enjoyment and excitement into our lives. Be spontaneous and open to the new and unusual. We may have a bit of a slowdown mid afternoon, but that will pass. The evening energies are peaceful and inspirational.
Aug 27: Our plans for the day could run into some delays in the morning. Rather than start something new, this day will be better suited to catching up on odds and ends. We may feel an influx of energy in the evening and start planning activities for the next day.
Aug 28-29: The energies over this two day period favor trying something new and different. This a good time to update and improve our lives. Let go of the old and embrace the new. We are likely to find this will be easier to do than we think and will be very happy with the resulting liberation and freedom it brings us. We may be planning changes now that will be put into place at the New Moon on Aug 30.
Aug 30: The NEW MOON occurs on Aug 30 at 7° Virgo, 4:37 am MDT. This New Moon sets the stage for innovative and exciting changes that can improve our lives. We are updating our lives. It is time for innovative changes in our lives, whether it is utilizing new technology, making changes in our daily habits, changing the way we do our work or making changes in our health habits.
Aug 31 – Sep 1: We could see our personal dreams start to become reality in the physical world and will be feeling more optimistic about the future.

AUG 26: Ven Vir trine Ura Tau. Moon Can opp Sat Cap 3-5 pm. Moon Can trine Nep 8-10 pm. AUG 27: Mars Vir sesqui Plu Cap. Moon in Can void of course until 5:52 pm. Moon enters Leo 5:53 pm. AUG 28: Mars Vir trine Ura Tau Moob Leo trine Jup Sag. AUG 29: Merc into Vir 1:48 am. Sun Vir trine Ura Ta. , Moon Vir conj Merc. Aug 30: New Moon 7 deg Vir, 4:37 am. Mon Vir conj Mars, conj Ven, trine Sat Cap, sqr Jup Sag and opp Nep Pisc. AUG 31:Moon in Libra. SEP 1:Merc Vir trine Ura Tau. Ven Vir trine Sat Cap Moon in Lib sqr Sat Cap and trine Jup Sag.


Thanks for Reading and Have a Great Summer!!
Much Love to All You Beautiful Spirits,


A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure. Unknown
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. Dalai Lama
Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Anonymous
Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive it isn’t. Richard Bach





March, April, May 2019


Overview March, April and May 2019


Struggles for power and control (Saturn conjunct Pluto)

The struggle for power and control in the US and throughout the world will continue as Saturn and Pluto move closer to their conjunction on January 12, 2020. We are in the beginning stages of a major worldwide power and control “reset” that will be front and center in 2020 and then continue for the next few years. This has been discussed in the last two newsletters and I will continue to write about it in the future.

From mid-March through September 2019, both Saturn and Pluto will be opposite the Moon’s North Node and conjunct the South Node. This indicates spring and summer will be a period of karmic consequences, both in facing past actions and in taking actions that will have powerful consequences in the future. Some of us may notice this in our personal lives, but it will be most obvious in the outer world. The use and misuse of power- past, present and future – are likely to be central issues.


Traveling through a cloud (Mercury Retrograde March 5 to 28)

Mercury is retrograde (appears to move backwards from our view on Earth) about three times a year. In astrology, the planet Mercury is associated with the mind, the nervous system, speaking, learning, thinking, reasoning, memory, education, reading, information, communications, technology, transportation, travel, commerce activities, buying and selling.

When Mercury is retrograde, we tend to get mentally distracted. This can cause problems in travel and communications. It is also a time when we may experience mechanical and technological breakdowns. Be alert in all forms of communication, transportation, travel and mental activities. Mercury retrograde does not mean that everything will get mixed up, but there is an increased chance for that to happen if we don’t pay attention.

Mercury Retrograde is a time to pause and go back over things rather than begin something brand new. This is a good time to take care of repairs, finish projects, get caught up and cleaned up. Stop and look around at your life. See what needs to be finished, repaired, researched, revised or reevaluated. It is also a good time for cleaning, sorting, organizing and clearing out. It can be a serendipitous time too, when fun, surprising and exciting events happen.

Mercury will be retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the area of our chart is where we are very imaginative, compassionate, spiritual and inspirational. It is also where we can be over-idealistic, naïve, scattered or overwhelmed by sensitivity. This can lead to being ungrounded and disorganized. In other words, there should be plenty of things we need to tidy up in this part of our lives. In the process of clearing things up, we could rediscover some wonderful creative and spiritual parts of ourselves. We may also realize we have been operating under a misapprehension of the facts and that things are not what they seemed.

SPECIAL NOTE: Sometimes the effects of a particularly strong Mercury retrograde period will start to be noticed in the pre retrograde phase and will not really clear up until the end of the post-retrograde phase. This could be one of those times. See dates below.

Pre-retrograde phase: February 18 to March 4, Mercury 16 to 29 ° Pisces

Retrograde:                  March 5 to 28, Mercury 29 to 16° Pisces

Post-retrograde phase: March 29 to April 16, Mercury 16 to 29° Pisces

The main reason I think we could experience such a strong Mercury retrograde time is because Mercury will conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, three times. First, in the pre-retrograde phase on February 18 at 16° Pisces; second, while retrograde on March 24 at 17° Pisces; and third, in the post retrograde phase on April 2 at 17° Pisces. Mercury conjunct Neptune can indicate a very inspirational, intuitive, spiritual, imaginative and creative time. However, it can also be a period when we feel mentally scattered, fuzzy-headed or confused. This can result in misunderstandings or idealistically believing in something that is not what it seems to be. If possible, avoid starting negotiations or signing agreements during the entire month of March and until April 17.

In the meantime, enjoy the creative and spiritual side of this energy! Dream. Imagine. Create up a storm. Explore spiritual subjects. Get inspired.

If you know your chart, look for the house or houses that contain 16-29 ° Pisces. Also take note of planets, the Ascendant or Midheaven at 16-29 ° of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius, as these parts of you will feel this retrograde period very strongly.

If you are a Gemini or Virgo sun sign, pay special attention. You are likely to always feel the Mercury retrograde periods because Mercury is your sun sign ruler.

No matter what your sign is, take a positive approach and accept that you will need more patience and focus in your life during the retrograde period. Take this opportunity to clear out the clutter and refresh your life. Explore your creative and spiritual side.


Surprising changes in areas that seemed stable (Uranus in Taurus)

A long lasting and powerful energy shift will occur when Uranus enters the sign of Taurus on March 6, 2019, where it will stay until April 25, 2026. Uranus briefly entered Taurus last year from May 15 to Nov 5, 2018. Something may have started then that will now develop and grow in 2019.

Uranus is the planet of change and instability, Uranus shakes us up and wakes us up. Taurus is a practical down-to-earth sign that values stability, security and resists change by digging in and refusing to budge. This suggests that over the next seven years, some things we thought were secure and solid will become unstable and go through surprising, sudden and disrupting changes. The changes will occur in the areas ruled by Taurus: the economy, banks, investments, material possessions, natural resources, the land, food production and nature in general. Taurus is the “earthiest” earth sign and has a deep connection to Mother Earth. Climate change and other changes in the earth may become extremely important over the next seven years.

Taurus is known for its endurance and there is likely to be a determined resistance against whatever is changing. This could drag things out longer than necessary. However, Uranus will bring the changes whether we resist it or not. In fact, the more we resist, the more the Uranian disruptive energies will grow. We will definitely see this reflected on the world stage over the next seven years.

We will also be affected in our personal lives. The good news is we have the choice as to how we respond. We all have an area in our chart that is ruled by Taurus. This is an area of our life that is likely to be stable, reliable and consistent and that brings us a sense of security. It is time to make some changes in this area and we may not want to do this. Think of it as an update and a chance to try something new. Whether we find this fairly easy or very challenging (probably both) over the next seven years will depend on our individual birth charts. It is not something to fear. Change is a natural process in life and making changes and trying something new can be liberating and revitalizing.

Uranus is very likely to bring you some changes and surprises in 2019 if your birthday is:

Taurus: April 20 – 28

Leo: July 22 – 30

Scorpio: Oct 22 – 30

Aquarius: January 19 – 27

If you know your chart, look for the house or houses that contain the sign of Taurus. This is the area of your life that will be changing over the next seven years.

Also note any planets, the ascendant or Midheaven at 0° to 7° Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius.  These are the parts of you that will experience the biggest changes in 2019.

Although the Uranus in Taurus energy will occur over a seven year period, we are not likely to notice it personally until it makes a transiting aspect to our birth chart. When and how we will experience these changes depends on our individual birth charts. When this does occur, keep an open mind and consider updating your life. Be open to things that are unusual or daring.


Decisions and new visions about the future (Uranus semisquare Neptune)

This energy pattern started around June 2016 and will last until April/ May 2021. This is a crucial five year period in which we are being forced to face our current global circumstances and think about what we envision for the future. In April and May 2019, these issues are likely to be very obvious.

This particularly concerns technology, science, space exploration, climate change, pollution, our oceans and other environmental concerns. What we do now is very important. We have a window of opportunity in which we can come up with positive actions, solutions and plans that will put us on a positive path for the future. To fail to do this could have drastic consequences in the years ahead. This is our chance to make some changes while we still can.

Since 2016, we have had to face some of the negative consequences of the proliferation of, and our dependence upon, the cyber world and technology. We are becoming painfully aware of our vulnerability to cyber hacking, cyber bullying, identity theft, invasion of privacy, and the global threats to the electronic systems and stability of governments, the military, banks, businesses, power and water systems. The Russian interference in the 2016 USA election (and their continuing efforts) is a perfect example. Accidents caused while texting or talking on our cell phones have greatly increased. We are dependent on our cell phones, computers, iPads, Kindles, the Internet, shopping online and all kinds of electronic devices and toys for children and adults. This dependence is now part of the fabric of our everyday life.

There are many wonderful benefits to all this technology and positive potentials for the future. However, we now are beginning to see that being deeply embedded in a cyber world has many unexpected pitfalls. As citizens of the earth, the decisions made and action taken during this five year period will affect each one of us, our children, our grandchildren and all those who follow us. The stakes are high and we can each do our part by paying attention and making our voices heard.


FORECAST for March, April and May 2019


MARCH 1 – 10

Mar 1-4: Mercury is almost standing still in the heavens as it prepares to go retrograde on Mar 5. The Mercury Retrograde effects will be strong at this time. See information on Mercury retrograde in Overview above.

Mar 1: There could be some unexpected changes that make it necessary to focus on practical and serious matters.

Mar 2-4: The morning of Mar 2 could be unpredictable, but in general this three day period should be a good time for creative and social activities. Go with the flow. Stay flexible and objective regarding relationships and social gatherings. Interactions with friends and like-minded people could be inspiring.

Mar 5-6: When you read the Mercury retrograde information in the Overview at the beginning of this newsletter, you may have wondered how Mercury retrograde in Pisces would affect you. You should be able to gain some insights over this two day period.

The Moon enters Pisces on Mar 5 at 1:11 am MST and Mercury in Pisces goes retrograde at 11:19 am MST. The Sun and Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces on Mar 6 at the NEW MOON, 16° Pisces, 9:04 am MST. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces making the Pisces energies and this New Moon very powerful.

My friends, that is a lot of Pisces energy!

Whether we realize something profound or just feel more confused (or both), remains to be seen. Look around at the outer world and your own inner world and take note of what is happening and what you are feeling. Don’t try to reach a conclusion yet. Let things unfold during the retrograde phase (March 5-28). We probably won’t really be able to fully see things clearly until after April 17 when Mercury leaves Pisces and moves into Aries.

Mar 7-8: We can come up with some inspiring ideas that are also practical at his time. Even if we can’t implement them yet, we can take note of our ideas for future reference.

Mar 9-10: The energies over the weekend could be a bit contentious and over assertive, yet we are also likely to be enthusiastic and full of ideas for the future. Maybe we need to be a little more assertive than usual. We can use this energy to come up with a plan of action that is realistic and beneficial.

MAR 1: Ven Aries sqr Ura Tau; Sun conj Ura/Plu midpt. Ven into Aquar 9:45 am MDT. Moon Cap conj Sat and Plu in Cap. MAR 2: Moon Cap sqr Ura Aries 11 am-12:30 pm; Moon Aquar conj Ven 2-4 pm. MAR 3: Ven Aquar conj Sun/Jupiter midpt. MAR 4: Ven Aquar conj Jup/Nep midpt. MAR 5: Mercury Sta Rx 29° Pisces at 11:19 am. MAR 6: Ura into Tau 1:35 am; New Moon, 9:04 am; Sun and Moon conj Neptune in Pisces; Sun and Nep in Pisces conj Mars/Sat midpt. MAR 7- 8: Sun Pisces sext Sat Cap. MAR 9: Sun conj Mars/Plu Pisces; Moon Aries trine Jup 9-11 am MAR 9- 10: Mars Tau sext Nep Pisces.


MARCH 11 – 17

This entire week could be a positive and active time as long as we resist the temptation to go overboard or to promise more than we can realistically deliver.

Mar 11: This will be a positive start to the week and a good day to take action regarding plans that were started on Mar 9-10. It would also be a beneficial time to be out in nature and commune with Mother Earth.

Mar 12-13: Communications are important right now and some big ideas may emerge. This is a positive time as long as we don’t get carried away by idealism on Mar 13, when it will be tempting to go overboard.

Mar 14-15: Double check information and communications over this two day period time. Mix-ups can occur if we aren’t paying close attention. Avoid signing papers or agreements. We could overestimate our possibilities or make decisions without having enough information. That being said, don’t give up on ideas for improvement, things will be clearer in the next few days.

Mar 16-17: Information may be revealed or clarified over the weekend that helps us feel focused and motivated. There could be a tendency to feel irritated or get involved in power struggles around 7-8 pm (MDT) on Mar 16. Think twice before engaging in an argument or taking unnecessary risks around that time. Mar 17 is St. Patrick’s Day and it looks like a good time will be had by all, although either Mercury retrograde or all that green beer could cause some confusion.

MAR 11: Moon in Tau sext Nep Pisces, conj Mars Tau, trine Sat Cap, sext Sun Pisces and trine Plu Cap. MAR 12: Moon in Gemini. MAR 13: Sun Pisces sext Plu Cap; Moon Gem sqr Nep Pisces. Moon Gem sqr Nep; Sun Pisces sqr Jup Sag. MAR 14: Mars Tau trine Sat Cap; Moon Gem sqr Sun Pisces and sqr Merc Rx Pisces. Sun Pisces conj Merc Rx Pisces. MAR 15: Merc Rx sqr Jup Sag. Mars sqr Nep/Plu midpt. MAR 16: Merc Rx Pisces sext Plu Cap; Moon Can trine Sun Pisces. Moon Leo sqr Ura Tau 7-8 pm. Plu sqr Sun/Mars midpt. MAR 17: Merc Rx Pisces sext Mars Tau. Merc Rx Pisces conj Mars/Plu midpt and conj Sun/Nep midpt.


MARCH 18 – 24

Mar 18: There may be tensions or misunderstandings during the day which could make it challenging to reach agreements with others. Be patient. The general mood should improve by evening, when innovative and practical solutions can be reached.

Mar 19-22: We can get a lot of things done in a realistic and competent way over this four day period. Mar 19 will be a good day to get our information and thoughts in order and then analyze the facts realistically. Take the evening off and rest. Facing facts can be tiring.

Mar 20: The Sun moves into Aries at 3:59 pm at the Vernal Equinox. Spring begins in the northern hemisphere and Fall in the southern hemisphere. The FULL MOON at 0° Libra, 7:43 pm MDT. This full moon could bring some long standing issues to a climax and offer us a new perspective on the situation. By the end of the day on Mar 21-22, the awareness gained can result in a new understanding. The tide turns and a resolution or a goal can be achieved. The mood shifts the evening of Mar 22, as the Moon moves into Scorpio and opposes Uranus in Taurus. Emotions may be intense, sudden and changeable from about 8 -10 pm MDT. Relationships could be unpredictable. This would not be the best time for social events. It could be exciting, but not necessarily in a fun way.

Mar 23-24: Feelings run deep this weekend and we may be drawn to explore things that are mysterious and unknown. We could uncover something interesting. Psychic sensitivity is likely to extra strong, especially on Mar 24. Take note of feelings, intuition, insights and dreams. They may not make sense at this time, but could be more meaningful around April 1-2.

MAR 18: Sat sqr Mars/Nep midpt; Mars sqr Merc/Plu midpt; Merc conj Mars/Sat midpt. Moon Vir trine Ura Tau 8-9 pm MDT. MAR 19: Moon in Virgo; Moon Vir opp Nep Pisces 9-11 pm MDT.     MAR 20: Mars Tau trine Plu Cap; Moon Vir trine Mars and Plu 7-9 am MDT; Merc Rx Pisces sext Sat Cap; Sun into Aries/vernal equinox 3:59 pm MDT; Full Moon 0°Libra 7:43 pm. MAR 21: Venus Aquar sqr Mars Tau; Ven Aquar sext Jup Sag. MAR 22: Moon Libra sqr Plu Cap, sext Jup Sag and trine Ven Aquar. Moon into  Scor 8:16 pm MDT and Moon Scor Oppos Ura Tau 9:38 pm. MAR 23: Moon Scor. MAR 24: Merc Rx Pisces conj Nep; Moon Scor sext Plu Cap, oppos Mars Tau and sqr Ven Aquar.


MARCH 25 – 31

Mar 25: This day has an optimistic and adventurous energy. We may feel like doing something daring and out of character. Think carefully before acting on that impulse. Getting carried away could lead to saying or doing something that backfires. Mercury retrograde will be active at this time.

Mar 26-27: We may feel fuzzy-minded when we wake up or confused about something we hear during the early morning of Mar 26. That should clear up by 8 am MDT. The afternoon of Mar 26 through the early evening of Mar 27 is likely to be enjoyable, exciting and fun. This would be a good time for creative, social and romantic activities. However, make it an early evening on Mar 27. By 9 pm MDT, we could be feeling tense or impatient.

Mar 28-31: Mercury goes Direct on Mar 28 and will start to very slowly move forward over the next few days. This four day period could be prone to mix-ups. Stay alert.

We could receive some insights on Mar 28 that lift our spirits that afternoon. By evening we could have an unexpected dose of reality which could be surprising. We can get quite a bit accomplished during the day on Mar 29 if we focus on practical matters. The late evening could bring some emotional ups and downs.

Mar 30-31: The general mood is inclined to be friendly, objective, innovative and progressive. We might feel a little reserved or uncomfortable the afternoon of Mar 30. If so, you are probably being too hard on yourself; the feeling will pass and you will soon feel better. This would be a good weekend to spend time with friends or like-minded groups. Scientific, technological and humanitarian subjects may be of interest to us and this would be a beneficial time to exchange and expand our knowledge about them.

MAR 25: Moon Sag trine Sun Aries 8:30 am MDT. Merc Pisces Rx conj Nep and Semisqr Ura Tau. Ura conj Sun/Mars midpt. MAR 26: Moon Sag sqr Merc Rx and Nep Pisces 5-8 am. Ven into Pisces 1:43 pm. Moon Sag conj Jup 7:37 pm. MAR 27: Moon Cap sext Ven Pisces and trine Ura Tau 10 am. Venus Pisces sext Ura Tau 10:44 am. Moon Cap sqr Sun Aries 10:10 pm. MAR 28: Plu Cap oppos (mean) N Node Cancer. Merc 16° Pisces Sta Dir 7:59 am semi sqr Ura Tau.  Moon Cap sext Merc and Nep Pisces 3-6 pm, conj Sat Cap 11 pm. Sat sqr Sun/Ura midpt. Sun sqr Jup/Sat midpt, Sun sqr Jup/Plu midpt. MAR 29: Moon Cap conj Plu 5:35 am, trine Mars Tau 6:05 pm. Moon into Aquar 7:46 pm, sqr Ura Tau 10:10 pm Plu sqr Mars/Nep. Sun conj Ura/Nep. MAR 30: Ven Pisces Semisqr Sat Cap 3:02 pm. Moon Aquar sext Sun Aries 3:53 pm. MAR 31: Mars into Gemini 12:12 am. Moon Aquar sext Jup Sag 9:02 pm.


APRIL 1 – 7

Apr 1-4: Mercury is now direct and will conjunct Neptune in Pisces for the third time in the wee hours of Apr 2. This four day period (especially Apr 2) could be either enlightening or confusing, very possibly both. For more information, see Traveling through a cloud in overview at beginning of this newsletter. We should be feeling a little more focused and energized by the evening of Apr 3 and on Apr 4. This could help clarify whatever we have been thinking or hearing about since the week began. See Mercury

Apr 5: NEW MOON, 15° Aries, 2:50 am MDT. Something starts now that could result in quite a dust-up that will continue through Apr 13. The energies are active and assertive. The Saturn-Pluto power and control issues are strongly activated and we are very likely to see this reflected in outer world events. In our personal lives, we could get a strong hint about what we need to “reset” in our own lives. Positively, Aries has a lot of self-initiating power and can help us get started on making some changes in our lives.

Apr 6-7: Things are calmer during the weekend, although there could be some disruption around 9-11 am on Apr 6. A realistic and practical outlook will bring success. Doing something that has tangible results will be satisfying. Getting outside in nature would also be beneficial and enjoyable. A yummy dinner followed by a backrub and a nice comfy nap would be splendid.

APR 2: Merc Conj Nep in Pisces 3:38 am MDT. Moon in Pisces Conj Nep and conj Merc 6-9 pm. APR 3: Moon Pisces sext Plu 7:09 pm, sqr Jup 9:36 am. APR 4: Plu sqr Sun/Ura midpt. APR 5: NEW MOON 15 Aries 2:50 am. Moon Aries sqr Sat Cap 12:01 pm, sqr Plu Cap 5:50 pm, trine Jup 8:15 pm. Mars Gem (new Moon ruler) Sesqu Sat Cap. Mars conj Sun & Moon/ Node midpoint; Mars sqr Sun & Moon/Sat midpt: Mars sqr Sun & Moon/Plu midpt. Plu sqr Sun & Moon/Ura midpt. APR 6: Moon Tau conj Ura 10:09 am. APR 7: Merc Pisces sext Sat Cap. Moon in Taurus sext Ven Pisces, sext Nep Pisces, trine Sat Cap, sext Merc Pisces.


APRIL 8-14

Apr 8: This isn’t a day to try to make things happen. Attend to routine duties and get caught up, or better yet, take the day off and relax. The energies will start to feel more energetic by mid-afternoon.

Apr 9-13: This is likely to be an intense four days. The Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn power struggles will be activated and evident out in the world. The good news is there will be some who will take a responsible, level-headed approach and be willing to listen. That’s what we can do in our personal lives, as well. This could be a revealing time, both regarding what is going on out in the world and what is going on in our own inner world.

Apr 9: Our loving, creative and imaginative side could be stimulated today. The contentious conditions that started at the New Moon last Friday (See Apr 5) could sneak in and flare up in the afternoon. However, the evening could have a romantic and dreamy quality. We may feel like escaping from our worries. We are apt to be very sensitive to alcohol, drugs or environmental conditions at this time and should be careful not to overdo.

Apr 10-11: Be careful when communicating in the morning. Avoid the temptation to be over confident, overstate your information, or go overboard and promise more than you can deliver. As long as we stick to the facts, we will be fine.

Apr 12-13: Conflict over who has power and control will be an issue. On Apr 12, 8 am to 11 am MDT will be the best time to interact with others and we will need to be serious and responsible in our approach. Try to get what you need to get done by then. Noon to 3 pm will not be a good time for a lunch meeting unless you relish a fight. Emotions settle down a bit by late afternoon. Apr 13 will still be tense, but the flare-up over the past few days should be gone by the afternoon.

Apr 14: This is likely to be a much needed fun and pleasant day. We are feeling more positive and optimistic about the future. This would be a good day to do spend time with friends and loved ones, go see a movie, go dancing or in some way do something joyful and playful. Even if you end up just dancing around the living room in your nightgown. I know it always works for me.

APR 8: Moon in Taurus void of course. Moon into Gemini 3:25 pm MDT. APR 9: Moon Gem sqr Ven and Nep Pisces. Ven Pisces conj Nep and Semisqr Ura. Mars sqr Sun/Plu midpt. APR 10: Sun Aries sqr Sat Cap, Moon Gem sqr Merc Pisces 8:43 am, opp Jup 11:27 am. Jupiter Sta RX at 24 Sag 11 am. Mercury Pisces sext Plu Cap. APR 11: Merc Pisces sqr Jup Sag. Sun sqr Sat/Plu midpt. APR 12: Moon Can trine Ven Pisces and opp Sat Cap 9:05 am. Ven Pisces sext Sat Cap 9:07 am. Moon Can Sqr Sun Aries 1:06 pm, opp Plu Cap 2:00 pm, trine Merc Pisces 4:33 pm. APR 13: Sun Aries sqr Plu Cap. APR 14: Sun Aries trine Jup Sag, Ven Pisces sext Plu Cap. Moon Leo trine Jup Sag and trine Sun in Aries 6-8 pm.


APRIL 15 – 21

Apr 15-16: We may find ourselves busy cleaning, organizing or helping out someone in need. This is a good time to get those proverbial ducks in a row.

Apr 17-18: We will want to have harmony over these two days and will try to be friendly and pleasant to others. That may be tricky on Apr 18 from 2 to 8 pm, when who’s in charge of what could be a contentious issue. Peace is restored by 9 pm.

Apr 19: FULL MOON 29° Libra, 5:12 am MDT. There is a sense that something is coming to an end at this time and something new and unknown is just around the corner.

Apr 20-21: A shift of energy as the Sun moves out of fiery Aries and into the earthy sign of Taurus on Apr 20 while Venus moves out of gentle Pisces into independent and adventurous Aries. More indications that something new is coming. The energies for this Easter weekend look pleasant and enjoyable.

APR 15: Moon Vir trine Ura Tau 7:43 am. Ven Pisces sqr Jup Sag 5:15 pm. APR 16: Moon Vir opp Nep Pisces, trine Sat Cap, trine Plu Cap, sqr Jup Sag, opp Ven Pisces. APR 17: Moon Lib. APR 18: Moon Lib sqr Sat 1:48 pm, sqr Plu 7:17 pm, sext Sag 9:07 pm. APR 19: Full Moon 9 Lib 5:12 am. Moon Scor opp Ura 10:35 am. APR 20: Sun into Tau 1:55 am. Ven into Aries 10:11 am. Moon Scor trine Nep Pisces, sext Sat Cap, sext Plu Cap. Apr 21: Moon Sag trine Ven Aries, trine Merc Aries.


APRIL 22 – 28

Apr 22: This could be the day we find out what the “something new” is that we have been sensing. It could be quite surprising. The Sun will conjunct Uranus in Taurus and Semi square Neptune in Pisces. The Sun’s vitalizing energy lights up both the Uranus in Taurus and the Uranus -Neptune aspect. These were discussed in the overview at beginning of this newsletter. See: Surprising changes in areas we thought were stable, and Decisions and new visions regarding the future. Seems very appropriate since today is Earth Day.

Apr 23: The energies are both uplifting and practical in the late afternoon and evening. This would be a good time to come up with ideas and a plan of action on the things we were thinking about the day before.

Apr 24-25: This could be an intense turning point of some sort. Perhaps a turning back to reconsider or restructure something over the next several months. This would be a good time for each of us to stop and consider what areas in our own lives need to be “reset” and how we can go about accomplishing this. The Saturn-Pluto power and control issues in the world will very likely be capturing our attention at this point

Apr 26-28: We might be feeling tired, scattered or dispirited. This is not a good time to take action as we could act unwisely or for the wrong reasons. Avoid signing agreements or making big purchases. Don’t get involved in anything that seems the least bit suspect. Keep all actions above board. By Saturday afternoon we may be feeling somewhat better, but wait until Sunday afternoon for this energy to completely dissipate.

APR 22: Sun Tau conj Ura 5:05 pm MDT. Moon Sag Sqr Nep Pisces, 6:04 pm. APR 23: Sun Tau Semisqr Nep Pisces 2:04 am. Moon Cap trine Ura Tau 8:46 pm, trine Sun Tau midnight. APR 24: Plu Sta Rx 23° Cap, 12:45 pm. APR 25: Moon Cap conj Sat, conj Plu 7 am to 3 pm. APR 26: Moon Aquar sqr Sun Tau. APR 27: Mars Gem sqr Neptune Pisces 7:04 am. Moon Aquar trine Mars Gem 4:11 pm. APR 28: Moon in Pisces sext Ura Tau 10:02 pm.


APRIL 29 – MAY 5

Apr 29 to May 3: At this point we may realize that something we have been working on or thinking about since the end of January has reached a point where we need to go back and do some work before we can go any further. There could be a war of words out in the world. The Saturn-Pluto issues of power and control could be very heated at this time. In our personal lives, we could realize that we need to do more research or editing, or fine tune our plans, or make a completely revised plan. We may feel irritated and hard on ourselves because we haven’t got things figured out, done and dusted. Don’t worry if things seem to be “stuck” right now. The best approach is to be realistic, willing to face facts and do the work required to reach our goals. We are supposed to stop and re-evaluate at this time. It gives us a chance to improve our plans. The re-evaluating and refining process will last until mid-September 2019.

Pay attention to your intuition and your dreams the evening and night of May 2-3. We could see the “big picture” more clearly, recognize the positive potential ahead and come up with exciting ideas for the future at this time. Write down your thoughts. They could be inspiring and very useful in the future.

The energies the evening of May 3 are changeable, impulsive and possibly rebellious. People in general may be prone to uncharacteristic and unexpected actions. This would not be a good time to make a sudden decision.

May 4-5: The NEW MOON occurs on May 4, 14°, Taurus, 4:46 pm MDT. Something could arise now that causes somewhat of a dilemma out in the world. Challenges could occur that will cause some to feel they must defend themselves by striking back. The urge to overreact, overextend and take rash actions based on overconfidence, defensiveness or incomplete information can cause unnecessary problems. These energies will strongly affect the charts of the USA, Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr in a very challenging way. All may be in the news even more than usual. In our personal lives, we can slow down and pause before taking action in the heat of the moment. Avoid overconfidence, impulsiveness or pushiness. Take time to look at all the facts before taking action and then respond in a practical and mature manner. With the right attitude, we can be quite successful in whatever we want to begin at this time. Stay grounded, focused, responsible and reliable.

APR 29: Sun Tau Sesqu Jup Sag 3:59 am MDT. Saturn Sta Rx, 6:55 pm 21 Cap. MAY 1: Ura Tau Semisqr Nep Pisces. Mars Gem qucnx Sat Cap.. Merc Aries sext Mars Gem, Merc sqr Sat Cap, Merc sqr N Node. MAY 2: Merc Aries sqr Plu Cap 3:49 pm. Merc Aries trine Jup Sag 9:59 pm. MAY 3: Moon Tau conj Ura 8:15 pm. Nep conj Sun/Plu midpt. MAY 4: NEW MOON 14 Tau 4:46 pm. Mars Gem qucnx Plu Cap 6:28 am. Mars Gem oppos Jup Sag 3:57 pm.


MAY 6 – 12

May 6: Our mental attitude and communications with others shifts as Mercury moves from fiery Aries to realistic Taurus just after Noon. For the next two weeks we will be focused on practical matters and concrete results.

May 7-9: We may be required to deal with something we find unpleasant or uncomfortable over this two day period. Yet it can also be a time of creativity and spirituality. On May 7 the pace is fast and there could be a lot of energy put into exchanging ideas and information. We could hear something surprising or even shocking the morning of May 8 that arouses our compassion and interest. It could also be exciting and liberating news in some way. May 9 is a day of ups and downs. The morning may be intense, but also loving and kind. The rest of the day could be somewhat somber as it may be necessary to deal with matters that are serious and could be emotional.

May 10: This could be a tense day and things may not go as planned. Be flexible and allow for a change of plans. Avoid trying to talk someone into something. We are apt to be stubborn and determined today and are unlikely to want anyone to tell us what to do or think.

May 11-12: This should be a pleasant weekend and a good time to socialize or do something fun and entertaining. There could be a bit of tension around 7 pm on May 11, but it will be short-lived. May 12 is Mother’s Day. Let her know how much you appreciate all she does for you by doing something for her. Of course, you know she will love you no matter what you do. It really is the thought that counts. It could be fun to do something fun and unusual in the afternoon.

MAY 6: Nep conj Sun/Sat midpt. MAY 7 Ven Aries Sqr Sat Cap 7:26 am. Moon Gem sext Ven Aries, oppos Jup Sag and conj Mars Gem MAY 8: Merc Tau conj Ura and Semisqr Nep Pisces. Moon Can sext Ura Tau and sext Mer Tau. Sun Tau sext Nep Pisces. MAY 9: Ven Aries trine Jup Sag 10:56 am. Ven Aries Sqr Plu Cap 11:18 am. Moon Can trine Nep Pisces 10:55 am, sext Sun Tau 11:57 am, Oppos Sat Cap 4:44 pm, oppos Plu 7:19 pm, Sqr Ven Aries 8:06 pm. MAY 10: Moon Leo Sqr Ura Tau 1:19 pm, Sqr Merc Tau 9:33 pm. MAY 12: Moon Leo sext Mars Gem 6:25 am. Moon Vir trine Ura Tau 4:33 pm.


MAY 13 – 19

May 13-17: This entire five day period would be a good time to think about how we can improve and restructure our lives. We could come up with ideas and plans that can turn our dreams and visions into reality. Time to blend our inspirational and imaginative side with realistic and practical actions. It doesn’t have to be the whole enchilada yet, but at least start thinking about the ingredients for your recipe.

May 18: FULL MOON, 28° Scorpio, 3:11 pm. We may feel that a lot of the things we were concerned about around the New Moon on May 4 are now resolved or at least headed in a good direction. We are likely to be feeling much more at ease than we were earlier this month. Do something fun, entertaining and daring today that you’ve never tried before. For some, it could be bungee jumping or going to a rock concert. For others, it could be sleeping in until 10 am or ordering mashed sweet potatoes instead of fries. It doesn’t matter – just do something different today. It will be liberating!

May 19: This would be a good day to have fun doing whatever you feel like doing. Enjoy your freedom!

MAY 13: Sun Tau trine Plu 9:04 pm. Moon Vir oppos Nep Pisces 5:15 pm, trine Sat Cap 8:39 pm. MAY 14: Ven Aries sext Mars Gem 7:58 am. MAY 15: Merc Tau sext Nep 7:21 pm. MAY 16: Merc Tau trine Sat Cap 5:09 pm. Moon Scor trine Mars Can 4:18 pm, oppos Ven Tau 6:47 pm, oppos Ura Tau 10:03 pm. MAY 17: Merc trine Plu 11:46 pm. Moon Scor trine Nep Pisces 11:03 pm. MAY 19: FULL MOON 28 Scor 3:11 pm. Moon Scor sext Plu Cap 7:04 am, oppos Merc in Tau 8:26 am. Ven Tau conj Ura Tau. MAY 19: Moon Sag, no exact aspects.


MAY 20 – 26

May 20: A good day for imagining and envisioning what we want. Write ideas down, but wait to take action until the next day.

May 21-22: This will be a good time to get things done. We are likely to feel energized, inspired and willing to work. Efforts made now can have tangible results.

May 23-24: Communications and travel may be a little stressful at this time and people may be more irritable and impatient than usual. An open mind and a friendly attitude will be helpful.

May 25-27: Memorial Day weekend. Do something relaxing and uplifting.

MAY 20: Moon Sag conj Jup then void of course for rest of day. MAY 21: Sun into Gem 1:59 am. Merc into Gem 4:52 am. Sun conj Merc Gem 7:07 am. Moon Cap opp Mars Can 8:35 am, trine Ura Tau 9:43 am, trine Ven Tau 4:58 pm. MAY 22: Mars Can sext Ura Tau 8:46 am. Moon Cap sext Nep Pisces, conj Sat Cap 4:22 pm, conj Plu Cap 9:57 pm. MAY 23: Merc Gem Sesqu Sat Cap 12:22 pm. Moon Aquar trine Sun Gem 4:49 pm, sqr Ura 8:17 pm. MAY 24: Merc Gem Sesqu Plu Cap 7:48 pm. Moon Aquar sqr Ven Tau 10:17 am. MAY 25 Moon Aquar sext Jup Sag 6:51 am. MAY 26: Moon Pisces sext Ura Tau, sqr Sun Gem, trine Mars Can. MAY 27: Moon Pisces conj Nep 1:40 pm, sext Sat Cap 4:22 pm, sqr Jup 6:54 pm, sext Plu Cap 10:21 pm.

MAY 28 – JUNE 2

May 28: The morning is likely to be quiet, but the tempo will pick up in the afternoon.

May 29-30: It will be easy to get distracted or fuzzy headed about practical matters. Communications and travel may experiences problems. Misunderstandings could occur. Information may be confusing or misleading over this two day period. Avoid making important decisions, signing papers or working agreements. However, it is a good time for imagination and creativity. We may feel inspired, loving and compassionate. Do some dreaming about the future.

May 31 -June 2: This three day period should be very pleasant and harmonious. This would be a good time for social activities, relationships, taking a vacation, creative activities or doing anything we enjoy. Have a wonderful time.

MAY 28: Moon Pisces void of course until 12:32 pm. MAY 29: Sun Gem Sesqu Plu Cap 6:39 am. Merc Gem sqr Nep Pisces 7:23 pm. MAY 30: Merc Gem Semisqr Ura Tau 7:00 am. Moon Aries sqr Plu Cap 9:08 am. Ven Tau sext Nep Pisces 10:51 am. Merc Gem opp Jup sag 9:12 pm. MAY 31: Ven Tau trine Sat Cap 9:26 am. Moon Tau sext Mars can 5:49 pm. JUNE 1: Moon Tau sext Nep 9:16 am, trine Sat 10:12 am, conj Ven 1:55 pm, trine plu Cap 4:52 pm. JUNE 2: Ven Tau sext Plu Cap 9:38 pm.

Happy Spring!

Thanks for Reading and

Much Love to All You Beautiful Spirits!




The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation,

but your thoughts about it.


Eckhart Tolle










December 2018, January and February 2019

World Overview

As we move into 2019, many countries in the world are in flux. Alliances are changing. Power and control are shifting. Divisions between groups of people and their belief systems seem to be growing and sharpening. Technology, the cyber world and artificial intelligence are advancing taking us into new realms of possibility and unintended consequences. We know the old structures are changing, but exactly how much is unknown. There is a great deal of uncertainty. At the same time, new energy and new ideas are arising. The good news is that this opens the way for exciting advances that can be momentous.

We are sensing the approach of an ever strengthening wave of issues that must be addressed. That wave will overtake us in 2020 and initiate changes that continue for several years. We are entering a new era, although it isn’t likely to be clear exactly what is happening in the beginning. It will probably be far in the future before we can look back and see what a significant turning point in history occurred during these changing times.

Three major astrological cycles will take place in 2020. They are all conjunctions, which means the planets are at the same exact degree and sign in the Zodiac and are merging their energies. It is a very powerful energy and represents a new beginning. These cycles are:

Cycle 1: Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Exact on: January 12, 2020 at 22° 46’ of Capricorn. In effect from January 2018 to December 2021. (15 ° orb)

This is a time where there is a focus on power and control – as in who has it and who doesn’t. During this period there will be re-organization of power in the world. This conjunction began to be felt in January 2018 and we have already seen it reflected in the world. It will grow much stronger in 2019. We can observe its effects so far, but at this point, it is impossible to know how it all turns out in the end.

Cycle 2: Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.
Exact three times: April 2, 2020 at 24° 53’ Capricorn. June 30, 2020 at 24° 07’ Capricorn. November 12, 2020 at 22° 52’ Capricorn. In effect February 2020 to January 2021. (10 ° orb)

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth and optimism will merge with Pluto’s desire for power and transformation. This indicates the rapid expansion of power and optimism. However, it is very important how this energy is used. It can be very positive when used for the betterment of all, but detrimental when used for individual aggrandizement.

Cycle 3: Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
Exact on December 21, 2020 at 00° 29’ of Aquarius. In effect February 2020 to March 2021. (10° orb)

This is a very important cycle that is linked to the development of social structures and human development and can indicate a new social order. The energy of Aquarius is much different than the Capricorn energy discussed above. Aquarius is an air sign and has an objective, progressive, scientific, innovative, independent and humanitarian aims. It is the sign of mankind in general.

The Jupiter Saturn conjunction occurs every 20 years, but this conjunction is much more significant than usual. The Jupiter Saturn conjunctions go through many 20 year cycles occurring in the signs that are in the same element (fire, earth, air or water). Jupiter Saturn conjunction has been in the earth element for about the last 200 years. The Earth element is focused on wealth creation, material security, resources, land settlement and material goods.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, 2020 will change from the earth to the air element. The year the conjunction changes elements is called the “Great Mutation”. 2020 is a Great Mutation year. While the past 200 years have been oriented to the material world, that orientation will now begin to shift toward social progress, intellectual development, new concepts and the development of human consciousness. This will be the focus over the next 200 years.

The fact that these three powerful conjunction cycles all occur in 2020 indicates the beginning of major changes in world power and control, human development and the social order. We are entering a new era. We may not be able to see clearly what is happening for many years, but we can decide to be part of this new energy and have faith that something positive is going to be birthed.
There is much more to be said about the uniqueness of the cycles in 2020 than I have room to write about in this newsletter! That’s why I am doing the seminar described at the beginning of the newsletter. More information will be coming soon.

FORECAST for Dec 2018, Jan and Feb 2019


OVERVIEW: A period of increased emotional intensity will start November 30 and continue through Dec 7. Although the world seems to be in constant upheaval, this will add a new level, especially in the USA. Something could happen that stirs us up emotionally. The energies could manifest as challenges in regard to technology, cyber networks, weather, environment, health, a clash of belief systems or humanitarian issues. We will feel compelled to take action. But we must be very careful in doing so. Our emotions can get out of hand and it will be easy to take unwise actions even for the best of reasons. Caution is required. We may not have complete or correct information. We may be responding to an attempt to manipulate our emotions. The way to deal with this is to stay grounded, calm and realistic.

Never fear, there will be bright spots, too! See the day by day forecast below for more information.

Dec 1: A good day to communicate successfully with others by being friendly, objective and positive. Do this during the daytime hours because later that evening, the energies turn more serious with a tendency toward negativity.
Dec 2: We may feel agitated, irritable and impatient today and prone to take unwise or hasty actions. If you feel this way, realize you are picking up the unruly energies around us. Make an effort to be grounded and slow down. Put off making important decisions. Avoid confrontations as they can easily get out of hand. On the other hand, if you are feeling calm and happy, please send out some good vibes to the world.
Dec 3: The morning could have some topsy-turvy moments, but by the early afternoon things will settle down and feel more harmonious.
Dec 4: Positive energies occur that can help us see more clearly and feel more peaceful.
Dec 5-7: This three day period is the strongest time for the disruptive energies described in the Dec 1-9 overview (see above). It will be easy to get distracted during this three day period. Double check travel plans, allow extra time for your tasks and pay attention. This a particularly bad time to make important decisions. We may not be thinking clearly or have the correct information. Mercury retrograde will go Direct on Dec 6. Information, communications, commerce and transportation could be unreliable or have problems.
Dec 7: NEW MOON at 15° Sagittarius , 12:20 am MST. Something is starting now that may have some murky or confusing energy. It will be hard to see things clearly. This a time when we need to be very cautious about taking action as it could have a bigger impact than we bargained for. This is not a good time to enter into an agreement or sign contracts. We will reap the harvest of whatever seeds we planted at this New Moon around the Full Moon on Dec 22.
Dec 8-9: Things start to settle down and we will feel more grounded and realistic. Common sense makes a reappearance. This will be a good time to attend to our responsibilities, get organized and make plans.

(Nov 30: Mars conj Ura/Plu midpt. Dec 1: Sun Sqr Ura/Plu midpt. Mer into Scor, 4:12 am MST. Moon Vir sext Merc Scor 7:34 am. Moon Lib sext Jup Sag 4:56 pm. Moon Lib Sqr Sat Cap 9:44 pm MST. Dec 2: Merc quincx Ura. Venus into Scor 10:02 am. Sun Sag Sqr Mars Pisc 5:35 pm. Moon Lib Sqr Plu Cap 6:29 pm. Dec 3: Moon Lib opp Ura Aries 11:16 am. Moon Scor conj Ven 2:05 pm. Dec 4: Moon Scor sext Sat, 3:43 am; trine Mars Pisc 10:24 am; trine Nep Pisc 1:47 pm. Dec 5: Moon Scor conj Merc Rx 2:53 pm. Sun Sag Sqr Nep Pisc 3:22 pm. Sun Sesqui Ura. Dec 6: Ura Sqr Sun/Nep midpt, Ura Sqr Sun/Mars midpt. Nep Pisc conj USA prog Sun -0 Deg 25 min orb. Merc Scor Dir 2:22 pm. Moon Sag Sqr Mars 9:43 pm. Dec 7: New Moon 15 deg Sag 12:20 am. Mars conj Nep Pisc. Mars Pisc Semisqr Ura Aries)


Dec 10: Promising information that brings optimism is soon followed by sudden or surprising developments. This could cause some emotional ups and downs in the early afternoon. By late afternoon we will have more clarity and objectivity.
Dec 11-12: A good time to think about our future and what we envision for our lives. Our outlook becomes even more positive by the late afternoon on Dec 12.
Dec 13-14: This can be an inspiring time, but it will be important to mix inspiration with reality. Compassion and a desire to help others is likely to be strong. The advice of those older and wiser could be useful.
Dec 15-16: This can be a time when we can take some kind of action to make a positive change in our lives. This is a good time to think about what’s most important to us and what our long term goals are. This will help us ascertain what changes we can make in order to make those goals a reality. Focus on realistic and practical ways to make the changes we envision. The energies are there from Dec 15-17 to help us. Take advantage of this and do something to reorganize your life for the better, even if it is a small change.

(Dec 10: Moon Cap sext Merc Scor 1:38 pm and Sqr Ura Aries 2:27 pm. Moon into Aquar 4:39 pm. Dec 11: Merc Scor quincunx Ura Aries. Moon Aquar sext Jup Sag 7:34 am. Dec 12: Moon Aquar sext Sun Sag 10:36 am. Merc into Sag 4:43 pm. Dec 13: Moon Pisc Sqr Merc Sag 6:36 am, trine Ven Scor 9:10 pm, Sqr Jup Sag 9:44 pm, sext Sat 12:31 am on Dec 14. Dec 14: Moon Pisc conj Nep 9:35 am, conj Mars 7:19 pm, sext Plu 10:04 pm. Dec 15: Sun conj Jup/Sat midpt. Ura Aries Semisqr Nep Pisc 4:08 am. Moon Aries sext Merc Sag 11:48 pm. Dec 16: Ven Scor sext Sat Cap 7:27 am. Moon Aries trine Jup Sag 10:12 am, Sqr Sat Cap 12:21 pm. Mars Pisc sext Plu Cap 11:53 pm )


Dec 17: This is a day with dynamic and active energies. We may feel like being assertive and going after what we want, but we need to avoid coming on too strong and alienating others, especially in the morning. Things will progress well in the late afternoon. Be prepared for the possibility of some changes or surprises by the end of the day.
Dec 18-19: This can be a stabilizing two day period when we can make real down to earth progress on the changes or projects we began on Dec 15-17.
Dec 20-21: This could be an exciting, optimistic and exuberant time. We may feel “fired up” about the future. This would be a good time for social activities. People will feel like getting out and about. Dec 21: The Sun goes into Capricorn at the WINTER SOLSTICE at 3:23 pm, MST. Let the celebrations begin, but exercise temperance. There could be tendency to overdo as the evening proceeds. Be extra careful driving. Drivers may be impaired or distracted. This applies to communications, too. We could get carried away and say too much or come across too forcefully and regret it later.
Dec 22: FULL MOON at 1° Cancer, 10:49 am MST. This is a very powerful Full Moon as it occurs so close to the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice marks a very important point in the yearly cycle and this Full Moon will emphasize that. A new hope for the future can arise. Whatever was started around the New Moon on Dec 7 now reaches a culmination. The drive for future power and control will most likely be on prominent display in the world. A definite power shift is occurring.
This can be important point in our personal lives, too. We are getting a preview of where big new cycles will be occurring for us personally in 2020. Take note of how you are feeling and what you are becoming more aware of at this time. What would you like to take control of and reorganize in your life? What are your biggest dreams? Really think about it. Pay attention to your intuition. Keep your ears, eyes and heart open for feedback from the Universe. It’s just the beginning of something much bigger.
Dec 23: The morning may feel inspirational, spiritual. romantic or creative. Families, loved ones and friends are important whether in there in person or in our hearts and memories. Feelings may be intense in the early evening.

(Dec 17: Moon Aries Sqr Plu Cap 8:20 am, trine Sun Sag 7:27 pm, conj Ura 12: 21 am -Dec 18. Dec 18: Moon Tau trine Sat Cap 8:27 pm, opp Ven Scor 11:54 pm. Dec 19: Moon Tau trine Pluto 2:40 pm, sext Mars 5:42 pm. Dec 20: Sun Sag trine Ura Aries 9:21 am, Moon Gem opp Merc Sag 10:41 pm, opp Jup Sag 11:36 pm. Dec 21: Sat conj Sun/Plu midpt. Ven Scor trine Nep Pisc 10:12 am. Merc conj Jup Sag 10:37 am. Sun into Cap- Winter Solstice 3:23 pm. Moon Gemini Sqr Mars Pisc 10:41 pm. Dec 22: Sun conj Jup/Plu midpt. Sun conj Merc/Plu midpt. Full Moon 10:49 am 1 deg Can. Dec 23: Moon Can trine Nep Pisc 8:04 am, trine Ven Scor 10:55 am, opp Plu Cap 6:23 pm.)


Dec 24: We may feel impatient or agitated in the early morning. This will dissipate, but the rest of this day could have a distracted, confused or hazy quality. This would not be a good day for last minute Christmas shopping. Be very careful in communications, business negotiations and travel. Things may not be what they seem. Misunderstandings can easily happen. Take the day off. Stay home and do something spiritual, inspirational or creative. Make some cookies and watch a bunch of Christmas movies – or- just take a nice long nap. Rest up for tomorrow
Dec 25: Merry Christmas! This is likely to be an upbeat and happy day. In general people will be in a generous and fun loving mood.
Dec 26: This will be a good day to get things in order. It will feel good to attend to our health and other practical matters.
Dec 27-28: We could feel a bit scattered off and on during the day on Dec 27, but by evening our attention turns to relationships of all kinds, whether they are family, friends or romance. This energy continues even stronger on Dec 28. The early morning may be rushed or irritating. Slow down and relax. It won’t last long. Feelings will be very strong at this time. We may think about those we love, both near and far away. This can be a time when relationships deepen. Relationships that begin now could have a transformational effect in our lives. We will be more aware of the power of love.
Dec 29: We could wake up in a bit of a cranky mood, but that will quickly pass. Harmony is important today and we may be drawn to spend time with others. Or, we could feel creative and want to do something to beautify our surroundings. Do something kind, loving and enjoyable today.
Dec 30: The harmonious energies of Dec 29 continue until mid afternoon when there could be an abrupt change or a surprising realization that occurs through interactions with others. At any rate, the energies shift and become more intense and emotional.

(Dec 24: Moon Can Sqr Ura Aries 7:50 am. Merc Sag Sqr Nep Pisc 5:33 pm. Dec 25: Jup conj Sun/Ven midpt. Moon Leo trine Merc Sag 10:06 am, Sqr Ven Scor 2:37 pm. Dec 26: Moon Leo trine Ura Aries 8:35 am. Moon Vir trine Sun Cap 7:33 pm. Dec 27 Moon Vir opp Nep 10:09 am, sqr Merc Sag 5:04 pm, sext Ven Scor 7:52 pm, trine Plu Cap 9:04 pm. Dec 28: Moon Vir opp Mars Pisc. Ven Scor sext Plu Cap 2:27 pm. Dec 29: Moon Lib Sqr Sat Cap 8:41 am, sext Jup Sag 9:00 am. Dec 30: Moon Lib opp Ura Aries 3:53 pm.)

DECEMBER 31, 2018 –JANUARY 6, 2019

January 2019 will be a significant month. It’s more than the first month of a new year. We are turning a page in history and headed into a year of an uncertain and shifting power base as various players fight for control and influence that will have far reaching consequences.

Just in time to jump start the New Year, Mars, the planet of action, moves into the fire sign of Aries on Dec 31, 2018 at 7:20 pm MST. Mars is “the warrior” and is associated with self-initiative, independence, courage, enthusiasm, energy, vitality, strength, assertiveness, anger and competition. In the world Mars rules the police, the labor force, the military, aggression and war. Mars is the ruler of Aries and being in its own sign gives Mars extra power and strength. Mars in Aries will be very energetic, strong and assertive. Mars will stay in Aries until February 14, making the next 45 days a very active time.

Mars in Aries will be in an adverse pattern with Saturn, Pluto and Uranus at various times. This will definitely energize the fight for power and control discussed in the World Overview at the beginning of the newsletter. We will feel this in our personal lives, too. It actually can give us the courage to make the changes we desire in our own lives.

Dec 31: The energies are deep and thoughtful as we approach New Years Eve. We are likely to be thinking about the things we experienced in 2018 and ready to see what 2019 will bring into our lives. Later in the day, Mars will enter Aries (7:20 pm MDT) and we could sense a new surge of energy. (See Mars in Aries above.) We are looking to the future with hope. Have a safe and Happy New Year!
Jan 1: This is a day to look at our lives realistically. Time to face facts and get our lives together. New Years resolutions made now could have more depth and lasting power than usual. Focus on organization and practical planning. We will succeed by taking responsibility for our lives and being willing to work diligently for what we want with patience and determination. This can be a good time for deepening relationships. The power of love may be on our minds in the morning and afternoon. There could be a further development of relationship matters that occurred around Dec 28.
Jan 2-4:The general mood is upbeat and expansive as we envision a brighter future. We are able at this time to balance our hopes and dreams with reality. The stirrings of power plays in the world will be felt by the end of the day on Jan 4. The energies in the world are heating up.
Jan 5-6: This weekend is likely to be a significant time. The NEW MOON/SOLAR ECLIPSE on Dec 5 at 15° Capricorn, 6:28 pm MST. Eclipses represent energy shifts that will develop into a new set of circumstances occur over the next three to six months. This eclipse indicates shifting power structures, conflicts and realignments in the world. This is a big step toward the major cycles that occur in 2020 . It is not a surprise that the USA will definitely be affected. In our personal lives, we may be getting a hint of how we will be affected. How strongly this will affect you depends on your own personal chart.

Birth dates most strongly affected by this eclipse will be:
Capricorn: January 1 – 8
Aries: March 31 – April 7
Cancer: July 2 – 9
Libra: Oct 3 – 10

If you know your chart look to the house(s) that hold 10–17 degrees Capricorn. This is the area of your life in which the shifts are likely to occur. Planets, the Ascendant or Midheaven at 10-17 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra will also be affected by this eclipse. If you have any of these positions in your chart, this is likely to be an eventful year for you when your life goes through a major reorganization of some sort.
Jan 6: The energies of the eclipse continue and something unexpected could occur on Sunday that precipitates even more of a shift. For the next eight weeks events will move forward faster than usual.

(Dec 31: Moon Scor sext Sun Cap and Sat Cap. 11am-4 pm. Mars into Aries 7:20 pm. Moon Scor trine Nep Pisc 8:11 pm. Jan 1: Moon Scor sext Plu Cap 8:18 am, conj Ven Scor 3:26 pm. Sun conj Sat Cap 10:49 pm. Jan 2-3: Moon in Sag. Jan 3: Merc Sag trine Ura Aries 10:12 pm. Jan 4: Sun Cap sext Nep Pisc 12:58 pm. Moon Sag trine Ura Aries 9:10 am, conj Merc Sag 10:41 am. Moon into Cap 11:55 am. Moon Cap Sqr Mars Aries 5:05 pm. Merc into Cap 7:40 pm. Jan 5: Moon Cap conj Sat 11:32 am, sext Nep 4:02 pm. New Moon /Solar Eclipse 15 Cap 6:28 pm. Jan 6: Ura Sta Dir 1:26 pm. All planets will now be in Direct motion until Mar 5. Moon Cap Sqr Ura 8:56 pm, sext Ven 11:20 pm. Sun conj Sat/Plu midpt)


Jan 7-8: We want to focus on our hopes for the future but will have to deal with conflicting opinions about what that future may be and how to proceed.
Jan 9: The morning is a good time to think about unusual approaches and innovative ideas. Write down your ideas. They could be useful later.
Jan 10-13: This is a four day period when it will be important to balance our highest hopes, ideals and spiritual beliefs with realism and practicality. We may get carried away with an idea or information that is over-optimistic, impractical or even misleading. Be especially careful in financial matters. We are likely to feel more compassionate and generous at this time, which is fine. Just make sure you have all the pertinent information first.
Jan 10: Don’t make a rush to judgment late in the afternoon. Our reactions will be based on emotion and it is likely we won’t have the full story.
Jan 11: Get up early because this could be an intense day when we learn a lot about power and transformation, especially in the morning by 8 am MDT (10 am EST). We may actually wake up knowing what to do. This energy is about owning your own power. How we use this energy in our personal lives is up to us. We could realize something on a deeper level, have a transformational experience or decide to get rid of whatever isn’t working anymore. It can have a liberating effect. The intensity will vary depending on each person’s birth chart. (If your birthday is Jan 10, 11 or 12, this can be a very powerful time for you). There could definitely be some power plays on the world stage this weekend.
Jan 12: This will be a high energy day when the push is on to get things done.
Jan 13: This is apt to be a challenging day. There could be power struggles over who gets to be in charge of what and a lack of consensus on taking action. Even if we are alone, we could have an argument with our self. It is unlikely agreement will be reached. Don’t push the river. This too shall pass.

(Jan 7: Moon in Aquar sext Mars 8:42 am. Jan 8: Merc Cap Sqr Mar Aries. Jan 9: Jup Sag sesquiquadrate Ura Aries. Moon Aquar sext Ura Aries 9:53 am. Moon Pisc Sqr Ven Sag 6:09 pm. Jan 10: Moon Pisc sext Merc Cap 5:16 am, sext Sat Cap 2:13 pm, Sqr Jup 4:48 pm, conj Nep Pisc 5:48 pm. Jan 11: Sun conj Plu Cap 4:46 am. Moon Pisc sext Plu 7:11 am, sext Sun 7:25 am. Jan 12: Moon Aries trine Ven Sag 12:20 pm, conj Mars 5:12 pm. Jan 13:Moon Aries Sqr Merc Cap 2:05 am, Sqr Sat Cap 2:36 am. Merc conj Sat Cap 6:31 am. Jup Sag Sqr Nep Pisc 12:01 pm. Moon Aries Sqr Plu Cap 6:28 pm, Sqr Sun Cap 11:45 pm.)


Jan 14-16: These will be easier days to get things done. There still could be some jockeying for control or the need to reorganize our plans a little, but a practical and realistic approach along with a desire for harmony will stabilize the situation.
Jan 17: This is a day for communication, being with friends and exchanging ideas. Would be a great day for a long lunch. In the evening we need to watch a tendency to overdo. It can be an inspiring time, but we could be looking at something or someone from a very idealistic viewpoint that may not look so rosy the next day. Wait to make up your mind about important matters.
Jan 18: This is an interesting day. Social activities are favored in the morning. New information may be revealed and intense conversations could occur around midday. And events could surprise or shock us by the day’s end. Be open to the new and unusual and allow for the possibility of unexpected changes.
Jan 19: Emotions will be strong and we could have a showdown or face challenges around 4-7 pm MDT. Drive carefully at that time as people in general may be feeling cranky, extra sensitive or aggressive. Things will mellow out after that and the evening could be quite pleasant and peaceful.
Jan 20: FULL MOON/LUNAR ECLIPSE and SuperMoon at 1° Leo, , 10:16 pm MST. This Full Moon has a lot of energy. We may see some conflicts reach a boiling point at this time. This will no doubt be reflected in outer world events, but it could also be felt in our personal lives. If there is a situation involving power and control in our personal lives that has been going on since early January, this could be when it reaches a climax.
This could also be a karmic turning point. Words are very powerful at this time and it would be wise to think carefully before speaking, especially if we are feeling angry. The consequences could be much greater than we anticipate. Positively, this Full Moon indicates that friendly alliances become stronger and can move ahead with optimism and enthusiasm.

(Jan 14: Merc Cap sext Nep Pisc 6:14 am. Moon Aries conj Ura 8:58 am. Jan 15: Plu conj Sun/Merc midpt. Merc conj Sat/Plu midpt. Moon Tau trine Sat Cap 11:50 am, sext Nep Pisc 2:15 pm, trine Merc Cap 6:29 pm. Jan 16: Moon Tau trine Sun Cap 11:34 am. Jan 16 Moon Gem opp Ven Sag 12:54 pm, sext Mars Aries 1:32 pm, Sqr Nep 6:57 pm, opp Jup 8:10 pm. Jan 18: Plu conj Sun/Sat midpt. Ven Sag trine Mars Aries 9:50 am. Merc Cap conj Plu 1:01 pm. Sun Cap Sqr Ura Aries 6:30 pm. Moon Gem sext Ura Aries. Jan 19: Moon Can Sqr Mars Aries 5:28 pm, opp Sat Cap 6:48 pm, trine Nep Pisc 8:20 pm. Jan 20: Sun into Aquar 2:00 am. Moon Can opp Plu Cap 7:01 am, opp Merc Cap 11:56 am, Sqr Ura Aries 6:50 pm. Ven Sag Sqr Nep Pisc 9:16 pm. Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse 1 deg Leo 10:16 pm. Jan 21: Mars Aries Sqr Sat Cap 4:48 am.)


Jan 21-22: We may be tired and pessimistic when we wake up on Jan 21, but that should fade by late afternoon and evening when we start feeling more optimistic and enthusiastic. This would be a good evening for social activities. Those feelings will expand on Jan 22. This will also be a favorable time for meetings, social gatherings artistic and creative endeavors and anything fun and entertaining.
Jan 23: We could experience sleeplessness or have strange dreams in the wee hours. This may leave us feeling a little jittery when we wake up. The rest of the day continues to have a dreamy kind of quality. This can be good for creative enterprises, but not so much for practical matters. Relax and let the clouds roll by. The best time for feeling grounded today will be 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm MST or wait until tomorrow.
Jan 24: Today will be a good day for practical matters and attention to detail. We can get quite a bit accomplished and will especially like discovering new information. A good day for detective work.
Jan 25: This is a positive time for working with others. Enthusiasm will be high. Watch a tendency to work too long or too hard which could result in feeling worn out that evening. Take the evening off to rest.
Jan 26: Another day when we gravitate to being with others, although encounters could be a bit intense and uncomfortable around mid-morning. If you go out that evening, make it an early night. Relationships will be unpredictable after 9 pm MST.
Jan 27: Communications are likely to be more intense than usual. Tensions could occur with others and we may be feeling extra sensitive. We could also decide to avoid others entirely and immerse ourselves in a research project. The energies will feel lighter after 3 pm MST.

(Jan 21:Mars Aries Sqr Sat Cap 4:48 am. Moon Leo trine Mars Aries 7:19 pm, trine Ven Sag 9:43 pm, trine Jup Sag 10:11 pm. Jan 22: Ven Sag conj Jup 5:26 am. Moon Leo trine Ura Aries 6:19 pm. Jan 23: Merc Cap Sqr Ura Aries 4:13 am. Moon Vir trine Sat Cap 6:56 pm, opp Nep Pisc 7:56 pm, Sqr Jup 10:41 pm. Merc into Aquar 10:50 pm. Jan 24: Moon Vir trine Plu Cap 6:50 am, trine Merc Cap 11:56 pm. Jan 25: Moon Lib trine Sun Aquar 5:48 am. Mars Aries trine Jup Sag 10:53 am. Moon Lib Sqr Sat Cap 9:10 pm. Jan 26: Ura Sqr Sun/Plu midpt. Moon Lib sext Ven Sag 8:03 am, Sqr Plu 9:30 am, opp Ura 10:21 pm. Jan 27: Mars Sqr Sat/Plu midpt. Moon Scor Sqr Merc Aquar 10:59 am, Sqr Sun Aquar 2:10 pm.)


Jan 28: Feelings tend to be intense today and it is a good time to apply ourselves to activities in which require our focus and attention. Our interactions with others are likely to be positive and interesting in the afternoon.
Jan 29 -31: This is a positive three day period. The general mood is optimistic and enthusiastic. We can gain valuable insights, new inspiration and increased energy. This can help us come up with ideas on how to blend our physical and material needs with our ideals and spiritual beliefs. Use this time to envision the future you want and what practical down-to-earth steps you can take to make it happen. The afternoon of Jan 31 can be a good time for fun and social activities. Towards the end of the day on Jan 31, we could feel the energies changing and there could be potential conflicts looming in the world. See below.
Feb 1-2: This can be a challenging time. A serious conflict could erupt in the world. There could be major power struggles, rash actions, accidents or angry exchanges in the news. In our personal lives, we may notice an atmosphere of edginess and impatience. Take note and walk gently on the Earth. A good way to handle this energy is to focus on a project that you can work on alone rather than with others. We can get a lot of work done at this time. However, if you are feeling agitated, slow down and avoid using tools and sharp objects.
For some of us, this will be a time when an ongoing power and control problem comes to the surface. You may need to stand up for yourself and deal with the issue, but avoid a tendency to totally give in to anger and overreact. This confrontation could end up pushing you in a new direction. The challenging energies will lift by mid-afternoon of Feb 2 and we will be ready to do something fun, different and entertaining.
Feb 3: The future feels more positive. We may gain information that lifts our spirits. This would be a good time to share ideas with others. Do something inspirational.

(Jan 28: Moon Scor sext Plu Cap. Jan29: Moon into Sag. Sun Aquar conj Merc 7:52 pm. Jan 30: Moon Sag sext Sun Aquar 3:03 am, sext Merc 3:32 am, Sqr Nep Pisc 12:07 pm, conj Jup Sag 5:23 pm, trine Mars Aries. 10:50 pm. Jan 31: Sat Cap sext Nep Pisc 7:21 am. Moon Sag conj Ven 10:35 am, trine Ura Aries 3:33 pm. Feb 1: Sat conj Sun/Jup midpt. Ura Sqr Sun/Sat midpt. Mars Aries Sqr Plu Cap 8:15 pm. Moon Cap sext Nep Pisc 11:42 pm, conj Sat Cap 11:57 pm. Feb 2: Moon Cap conj Plu 1:13 pm, Sqr Mars Aries 2:12 pm. Ven Sag trine Ura Aries 4:40 pm.)


Feb 4: NEW MOON at 16° Aquarius, 2:04 pm MDT. This New Moon indicates that a positive new outlook for the future is forming. This is definitely a good time to visualize the future especially regarding humanitarian, social, environmental, scientific and technological issues. In our personal lives we can plant the seeds for a better future by seeing our self as part of mankind, rather than solely an individual or belonging to a particular group. An opportunity is given to us now to realize we are all part of the whole, not separate and apart from each other. This would be a good time to do a New Moon ceremony. (See New Moon Ceremony) The intentions we set now will manifest at the Full Moon on Feb 19.
Feb 5: The energies of yesterday’s New Moon carry over and this should be a very pleasant day, especially for friendship and social activities.
Feb 6-7: Good days to relax and enjoy life. The energies are optimistic, stimulating and friendly.
Feb 8-9: We may feel more energetic and courageous than usual and may willing to try something new. Relationships and social occasions can be compelling and interesting. This is also a good time for creative activities. Conversations with others or information we come across can open our minds to new ideas and concepts.
Feb 10: There is a particular period of time today when we need to use a little extra caution. From about noon to 5:30 pm MST there could be a tendency for irritation and impulsiveness. We could be quick to anger and surprised at how fast it can occur. This is not a good time to do anything that requires concentration and carefulness. Be particularly careful with heat and fire. Avoid handling tools, equipment or weapons at this time. Don’t take chances or rush around. Impulsive or careless action could cause accidents. This also applies to interactions with others. Conflicts could arise suddenly. You might not experience this, but others may. If you feel the need for intense emotional stimulation, watch an action movie or read an exciting book. Note: Watch the news. This could be a preview of further developments that erupt in the world around Feb 12.

(Feb 4: New Moon 16 deg Aquar 2:04 pm. Moon Aquar sext Jup Sag 7:35 pm. Feb 5: Moon Aquar conj Merc 12:11 am, sext Mars Aries 6:49 am, sext Ura 4:59 pm. Feb 6: Moon in Pisc sext Ven Cap. Feb 7: Moon Pisces Sqr Jup Sag 9:16 am, Sext Plu Cap 3:13 pm. Sun Aquar sext Jup Sag 5:33 pm. Merc Aquar sext Mars Aries 6:25 pm. Feb 8: Ven Cap conj Jup/Plu midpt. Ven Cap Sqr Mars/Nep midpt. Moon Aries Sqr Ven Cap 7:21 pm. Feb 9: Moon Aries Sqr Sat 3:06 pm. Merc Aquar sext Ura Aries 3:53 pm. Moon Aries trine Jup Sag 9:42 pm. Feb 10: Merc into Pisces 3:51 am. Moon Aries conj Mars 1:48 pm. Moon Aries conj Ura 4:48 pm. Moon Taurus sext Merc Pisces 8:57 pm.)

Feb 11: A good day to relax and interact with others. Practical matters are favored. Relationships are stable and comfortable.
Feb 12-13: The energies are very unpredictable and surprising over this two day period. Mars, the planet of action, joins Uranus, the planet of upsets and sudden events, in the fiery and assertive sign of Aries on the evening of Feb 12. This is a volatile mix. This could be an escalation of events that started on Feb 10 or something new entirely. See Mars in Aries at the beginning of January Forecast above. In our personal lives it would be wise to tread carefully, especially with others. Some will be feeling quite agitated and stressed. Avoid making important decisions. Stay grounded and let the energy pass by.
Feb 14: Happy Valentines Day! I am happy to report this should be a lighthearted and fun day, especially that evening. Enjoy! More good news – Mars moves out of the sign of Fiery Aries early in the wee hours of the morning and into the earthy and common sense sign of Taurus. The news in the outer world will continue to be provocative for the next few days, but Mars in Taurus should help to cool down the volatile energy we have been experiencing in the world.
Feb 15: We are likely to feel more sentimental and emotional than usual. We may want to spend time with our family and close friends.
Feb 16: There could be a lot of mood changes today from dreamy, romantic and creative in the early morning to gloominess and pessimism mid-morning which then fades by lunchtime. We’re feeling better after that with a desire for love, romance, creativity, music and all things beautiful. There may be a blip from around 6:30 – 8 pm MST when our emotions become very deep and intense and we could have an emotional overreaction involving another person. This will pass.
Feb 17: A test of wills could occur around midday, but basically this will be a fun, lively and interesting day when we may have an opportunity to do something new and different.

(Feb 11: Moon Tau trine Ven Cap 11:39 am, sext Nep Pisc 11:31 pm. Feb 12: Moon Tau trine Plu Cap 11:54 am, Sqr Sun Aquar 3:26 pm. Mars Aries conj Ura 11:19 pm. Feb 13: Sun Aquar conj Mars/Jup midpt, Sun Aquar conj Jup/Ura midpt. Plu Cap conj Sun/Jup midpt. Moon Gem Sqr Merc Pisc 1:36 pm. Feb 14: Mars into Tau 3:51 am. Merc conj Sat/Ura midpt. Merc conj Mars/Sat midpt. Moon Gem opp Jup Sag 1:56 pm. Feb 15: Moon Gem trine Sun Aquar 12:49 am. Moon Cancer sext Mars Tau 8:24 am. Feb 16: Moon Can trine Merc Pisc 12:39 am, opp Ven Cap 7:23 am, trine Nep Pisc 8:49 am, opp Sat Cap 10:40 am, opp Plu Cap 7:39 pm. Feb 17: Ven Cap sext Nep Pisc 1:45 am, Moon Can Sqr Ura Aries 7:17 am. Moon Leo Sqr Mars Tau 11:57 am. Feb 18: Sun Aquar sext Ura Aries 12:45 am.)


Feb 18: Idealism will be strong and we may feel inspired and creative.
Feb 19: FULL MOON at 1° Virgo, SuperMoon, 8:53 am MDT. This is a very positive Full Moon. If we set our intentions at the New Moon on Feb 4, we now have an opportunity to manifest our idealistic and creative imagination into practical and realistic form in the physical world. Or, at least to become aware of how to do that.
Feb 20: A good day to focus on practical matters and getting organized. The work we do now can be very helpful to us in the future.
Feb 21-22: This is a time when others are important in our lives. We may be focused on reorganizing something or putting together a project. Work and attention will be required, but either we could spend too much time talking or we experience interruptions that slow us down. Relationships are intense in the evening.
Feb 23: We will be more focused and can get a lot done during the daytime. That evening we may have a bit of a disagreement with both sides being stubborn and unwilling to compromise. This will blow over and fade away after 9 pm.
Feb 24: A positive day. Feelings are strong, uplifting and stabilizing.
Feb 25-26: An optimistic and upbeat general energy gives us ideas for future possibilities.
Feb 27-28: The optimistic outlook continues, but with more action. This will be a good time to put energy into something we believe in. We will feel inspired to see our efforts manifest in a very realistic and useful way.

(Feb 18: Sun Aquar sext Ura Aries 12:39 am. Ven Cap conj Sat 3:52 am. Sun into Pisces 4:04 pm. Moon Leo trine Jup 5:00 pm. Merc Pisc conj Nep 11:37 pm. Feb 19: Full Moon 1 deg Vir 8:53 am. Moon Vir trine Mars 1:31 pm. Merc Pisc sext Sat Cap 7:39 pm. Feb 20: Moon Vir opp Nep Pisc 8:23 am ,trine Sat 10:32 am, opp Merc Pisc 12:11 am, trine Ven Cap 2:45 pm, Sqr Jup Sag 4:41 pm, trine Plu Cap 6:51 pm. Feb 21: Moon into Lib. Feb 22: Merc Pisc Sqr Jup Sag 1:40 pm. Moon Lib Sqr Sat 11:20 am, Sqr Ven Cap 7:46 pm, Sqr Plu Cap 7:51 pm. Ven Cap conj Plu 8:49 pm. Feb 23: Moon Lib opp Ura Aries 8:10 am. Merc Pisc sext Plu Cap 10:15 am. Moon Scor trine Sun Pisc 5:44 pm, opp Mars 8:12 pm. Feb 24: Moon Scor trine Nep Pisc 12:30 pm, sext Sat 3:21 pm. Feb 2: Moon Scor sext Plu 12:17 am, trine Merc Pisc 4:14 am, sext Ven 5:14 am. Feb 26: Moon Sag Sqr Nep Pisc 8:16 pm. Feb 27: Sun Pisc sext Mars Tau 7:33 pm. Moon Sag Sqr Merc Pisc 5:10 pm. Moon Cap trine Ura Tau 11:17 pm. Feb 28: Moon Cap trine Mars Tau 7:26 pm, sext Sun Pisc 8:09 pm. )

Thanks for Reading!

Happy Holidays and Many Blessings to You in 2019!

Much Love to All You Beautiful Spirits,


20 years from now you will be disappointed   by the things you didn’t do
than by the one’s you did.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain





September, October, November 2018 



What is Happening

in the World?

There’s no denying we are in a time of great challenge, great change and great stress. Things are not the way they used to be. We may have thought at first that everything would return to some kind of “normalcy”, but that is not the case. The whole world seems askew. What we thought we could rely on has gone missing. The traditional structures that gave us a feeling of permanence and safety seem to be slipping away.
What we may not recognize is that this is also a period of great potential. We are entering a time of a major evolution in human consciousness. We needed this big shock to wake us up and get us ready to play our part in the years ahead. We are at the end an era. The old energies are losing strength. A new era is coming in the 2020’s. This will be a huge transformation that is too vast for us to grasp while we are in the middle of it. We will see some glimmers of what is to come, but we must be patient and let the cycle run its course.
What we are seeing around us now is not what is coming. It’s what is leaving. We stand at a crossroads. We must trust and focus on the love in our hearts to guide us. Know that you are always loved and guided. All you have to do is ask for help and guidance and it will be given. Never underestimate how powerful you are when you tune into your Loving Divine Self. What you have experienced in your life so far led you to this place and time. Our collective thoughts, feelings and choices will shape this new era and you will be an important part of the process.


Love Lessons

Venus Retrograde October 5 to November 15, 2018

Whether we are male or female, the planet Venus oversees many things that are very important to us in life. Venus rules love, relationships, romance, money, possessions, values, social life, artistic and creative talents, enjoyment of life, beauty, balance and harmony. As October begins, Venus will seem to slow down in her path through the heavens. That’s because Venus is getting ready to go retrograde. Retrograde means that a planet appears to slow down, stop and move backwards in the sky. (Planets do not actually move backwards, but just appear to do so at times from our viewpoint on earth.) Venus is retrograde for a six week period every 18 months.

I am writing more about Venus retrograde this time than I usually do because this Venus retrograde cycle promises to be very intense and interesting. It is likely to teach us a thing or two about love. Venus retrograde will affect us for the next 3 ½ months. There will be three phases: a Pre-retrograde phase, the Retrograde phase and a Post-retrograde phase.


PHASE ONE: Venus Pre-retrograde – September 2 to October 4

During this phase, Venus will move through the area of the Zodiac covering 25° Libra to 11° Scorpio. This is the area it will go back over again during the retrograde period. Things may arise or cross our mind during this Pre-retrograde phase that could come back during the Retrograde phase. If it turns up again during the Retrograde phase, you will know it is time to deal with this issue. It may turn out to be an important relationship or financial issue, or it could simply be realizing that you want to open your heart to more joy, creativity and love in your life.

Venus will be in the sign of Libra through September 8. Venus rules Libra and is very comfortable in its own sign. This is a light and happy energy. Venus in Libra creates a desire for relationships, sociability, harmony, creativity, the visual arts, intellectual stimulation, beauty and balance. Venus in Libra wants to be nice and gracious to all and usually does not like confrontations. Sunshine and flowers. Everything is lovely.

On September 9 Venus moves into Scorpio and the mood changes. Scorpio is a somewhat uncomfortable place for Venus since the Scorpio energies are not primarily concerned with being nice. Venus in Scorpio creates an overriding desire to experience feelings and life on a deep, passionate and intense level. There is a love of mysteries, secrets and the unknown. Scorpio is also the sign of sexuality. A lot goes on under the surface that may not be seen. Possibly something that has been hidden will be revealed due to detective work or inner contemplation. We may see this reflected in the news.


PHASE TWO: Venus Retrograde -October 5 through November 15

At this time Venus will appear to retrace its path and move from 11° Scorpio back to 25° Libra. During this six week period, we will be given an opportunity to reconsider and re-evaluate relationships, love, romance, enjoyment, social life, values, finances, resources, possessions, creativity, beauty and harmony. It can be a time when we have some realizations about what is of value to us and what is not. People from the past may resurface in our lives, or we may rediscover a part of our self that we had set aside, or we realize we need to deal with some financial matters.

Issues could arise that we have been avoiding regarding love, relationships, money, creativity and values. Even if there are no specific issues, we could become more aware of what we love and enjoy in life. Good questions to ask ourselves at this time are, “Am I fully expressing my love to others? Am I having fun yet? Am I joyfully expressing who I am? Are my finances secure? Are my values and priorities in life set up to enable me to fully live my life as a creative spirit?”

Venus will reflect the deep and intense Scorpio energies until the afternoon of October 31, when it retrogrades back into the lighter and more objective energies of Libra. See October 30-31 in the forecast below.


PHASE THREE: Venus Post-retrograde – November 17 to December 17

Venus will now move once again from 25° Libra to 11° Scorpio. Any issues that were not resolved during the retrograde phase will come to our attention for review in the Post-retrograde phase. We may now resolve those issues or receive confirmation of what we have realized during the retrograde phase.


We are likely to see the Venus Retrograde cycle reflected strongly in the outer world where Venus is associated with women, marriage, creative arts, entertainment, finances , resources, banking, war, peace and diplomacy.

This Venus Retrograde cycle is likely to be strongly felt by those with the following birth dates:

  • October 15 to November 5
  • January 13 to February 3
  • April 12 to May 5
  • July 14 to August 6


For all: If you know your chart, look for the House(s) that contains 25° Libra to 11° Scorpio. This will be the area of your life that you are re-evaluating. Any planets you have that fall within those degrees will also be part of this re-evaluation.

I will discuss the aspects Venus makes throughout the forecast below.


Forecast for September, October and November 2018


The first half of September presents us with both challenges and opportunities. The past and the future could come together for a reckoning. Old attitudes or situations are on their way out. We can see that the” old” is no longer viable. The future is not clear yet, but we know something new is coming. Tension, impatience and irritation is likely. This will spur us on and free us up to embrace new opportunities that arise due to the innovative, inspirational and transformational energies occurring at the same time. We will be able to see and appreciate our past experiences more clearly. This will help us recognize what we want to keep in our lives and realize what has been completed and can now be released.

(Sep 3: Jup semi square Sat, Sat Cap trine Ura Tau ( in 1°orb until Sep 22) , Sep 12:Jupiter Scor sext Plu Cap.)

September 1-9: A turning point will occur this week but will happen very slowly as Saturn prepares to go direct on Sep 6. This means the whole week could feel a little heavy as Saturn’s energies of responsibility, work and duties seem to be bearing down on us. This a time to come to terms with something that we may have hoped would go away. This is not a good time to start a new business or try to make something happen. Don’t push the river. Wait at least a week to initiate action. Something we have been dealing with since mid-April will slowly start to resolve itself between now and mid-December.

Sep 1-3: Labor Day weekend. We could see some power plays or aggressive actions out in the world. Sep 1-2: In our personal lives we may become more aware of what we want to change. Sep 3 will be a good day to exchange ideas, visit with others and have fun in general. Sounds like a good day for a picnic and fireworks! Sep 4-5: A good time to nurture our home, enjoy our family and add some new feathers to our nest. We may feel more emotional and sensitive over this two day period.

Sep 6-7: Could be somewhat of a tense time. Don’t try to force something to happen. People may be more assertive than usual. However, be sure to pay attention to innovative ideas that pop up now. We may be feeling a little over idealistic, but these new ideas have merit. Write your ideas down; they could come in handy later. Sep 8: Either something we hear, or our own ideas could turn out to be very useful in the morning and early afternoon. Venus in pre retrograde phase will square Mars. This indicates relationship or other issues may appear that will be addressed during the upcoming Venus retrograde period. See “Love Lessons” in Overview section above.

Sep 9: NEW MOON at 17°Virgo, 12:01 pm MDT. Our attention will be focused on practical matters. We could be presented with opportunities or come up with ideas on how to lay the groundwork for some very positive developments. We are trying to discern what is true and what is illusionary or deceptive. This may be a time of clarification regarding what to keep and what to let go of in our lives. Venus moves from Libra into Scorpio the early morning.

(Sep 2: Moon in Gemini. Sep 3: Mercury in Leo sext Venus in Libra. Sep 4-5: Moon in Cancer. Sep 6: Sat sta. direct, Ura opp Merc/Sat midpoint. Sep 7: Sat opp Merc/Ura midpoint, Merc Virgo trine Ura Tau, Merc trine Sat Cap, Sun Virgo opp Nep Pisces. Sep 8: Moon in Leo sext Ven in Lib, Moon in Vir trine Ura, Moon in Vir trine Saturn. Ven 29° Lib Sqr Mars 29° Cap. Sep 9: Venus into Scor at 3:26 am MDT, Sun and Moon in Vir sext Jup in Scor and trine Plu in Cap. Jup sext Plu. Sun and Moon in Vir opp Nep Pisc.)

Sep 10-16: This is a very busy time astrologically. Positive opportunities, realizations and developments can occur. There could be some surprises or unexpected developments, but if we want to make some changes in our lives, this would be a good week to do so. This is the time to take advantage of the energies discussed above under SEPTEMBER 1-16. We do need to be cautious regarding information we receive on Sep 13 as we may be a little gullible or over-idealistic, but even then, there will be positive energies to help us.

On Sep 11-12, Venus in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus. We may see something unexpected in the news around this time involving relationships, women or money (perhaps all). There are also many positive aspects occurring at the same time, so it could be a pleasant surprise for many people. Venus will oppose Uranus for a second time on Oct 31 when Venus is retrograde, and for a third time on Nov 30. These three dates are likely to mark significant turning points in the Venus retrograde experience

We may start to sense some combative undercurrents around Sep 15 that will be revealed the following week when Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. See Sep 18.

(Sep 10: Mars into Aquarius. Sep 11: Sun in Vir sext Jup Scor and trine Plu Cap. Sep 12: Jup Scor sext Plu Cap. Ven Scor opp Ura Tau at 3:01 am, MDT. Moon in Scor: Sqr Mars, opp Ura, Conj Ven and sext Sat. Ven Scor sext Sat Cap. Sep 13: Moon in Scor sext Merc, trine Nep, sext Plu and Conj Jup. Merc in Vir opp Nep in Pisc. Sep15: Merc Vir trine Plu Cap. Sep 16: Merc Vir sext Jup Scor.)



Sep 17: Progress can be made today by utilizing a realistic and responsible approach. Sep 18: The undercurrent that started on Sep 15 is now clearly in the open as Mars squares Uranus. This is an energy that produces blow-ups. In this case it will be hard to reach a resolution because neither side wants to give an inch. Both are resistant to change, but changes must be made. We are very likely to see this reflected in the news during the entire week of Sep 17 and particularly on Sep 18-19. We may also see this energy manifest in the earth through volcanoes, earthquakes, fires or weather related events. In our personal lives we need to be aware that even if we personally are not experiencing these tumultuous energies, other people around us may be. Drive defensively and avoid confrontations, as they could easily get out of control. This will not be a good time to take chances, especially physically. Slow down. Avoid bungee jumping!

This is also a week when actions have karmic consequences. Mars will be opposite the North Node of the Moon indicating a time when it could be tempting to take actions that are not for the highest and best good. To slip back into old destructive behaviors will have consequences. This is an opportunity to choose a higher path. This has happened two times previously this year. It seems to have a correlation to world events. The first time it occurred was June 7 to 19, 2018, which was when Trump attended the G-7 Summit in Quebec then left and met with Kim Jong Un at the Korean Summit in Singapore. The second time it occurred was July 12 to 23, 2018, which was when Trump attended the NATO Summit in Brussels then left and met with Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit. The third time will occur from Sep 18 to 25, 2018. This time Uranus will join the fray and square the North Node of the Moon from Sep 24 through December 2018. This makes this energy stronger, more volatile and longer lasting. It will be interesting to see how it manifests.

This is not likely to be nearly so dramatic in our personal lives but is certainly something to be aware of and inspire us to be our highest and best self in our thoughts and actions. If it’s going to affect our personal life, it is probably something we have been dealing with since June. If so, take the spiritual approach and look within to see what you have been learning about yourself and realize you are now ready to release old behaviors and habits that are no longer serve you.

Sep 22: The Sun goes into Libra at the AUTUMNAL EQUINOX at 7:55 pm, MDT. The Libra Sun energy can bring a desire for harmony and balance. This will be a good evening for sharing deep feelings. Sep 23: Even if it’s uncomfortable, a down-to-earth talk in the morning can result in very positive results by evening.

Sep 24: FULL MOON at 2° Aries, 8:52 pm MDT. This full Moon is called the Harvest Moon and that seems very appropriate this year, as the Moon is squaring Saturn, aka “the Lord of Karma”. We very literally could be harvesting what we have sown on many levels. Concentrating on work and taking responsibility for past actions will be the best approach. Step up to the task at hand. Keep an open mind. This energy will continue through Sep 25.

Sep 26 is a good day to attend to routine duties rather than start something new. Sep 26-30: We may see some “strong-man” tactics out in the world as some could decide to use their power to push others around. A great deal of work can be accomplished Sep 27-29. That will be a good time to get together with others and tackle a project.

(Sep 17: Moon Cap trine Ura Conj Sat and sext Venus. Sep 18: Mars Aquar square Ura Tau at 5:00 pm MDT . Sep 18-25: Mars in Aquarius opposite North Node of Moon in Leo. Sep 24- Dec 31: Ura in Taurus and Aries Sqr North Node of Moon in Leo and Cancer.( Mean Node used) Sep 22: Moon in Pisc trine Venus in Scor. Sep 23: Merc Lib Sqr Sat Cap in am, Merc trine Mars Aquar in pm. Moon in Pisc sext Plu Cap and trine Jup Scor in pm. Sep 26: Moon void of course all day. Sep 27: Sun Lib trine Mars Aquar, Sep 28: Moon Tau trine Plu Cap and opp Jup Scor. Sep 29: Moon in Gemini trine Mars Aquar and trine Sun Lib. Sep 26-30: Plu opp Sun/Mars midpt, Pluto Conj Mars/Sat midpt, Plu opp Sun/Ura midpt, Sun opp Ura/Nep midpt. Sep 30: Plu stationary Direct at 19° Cap.)



Oct 1-2: We may be interested in subjects or events that are mysterious and intriguing. This could lead to deep thinking and in depth conversations with others. Oct 3-4: A good time for self-expression. Do something fun, entertaining or creative. Oct 5: Venus goes Retrograde at 1:05 pm MDT. The evening will be a good time to think about how to upgrade our lives. Be open to new ideas. Oct 6-7: We can use this weekend to catch up on routine tasks, clean house, do something positive for our health or lend someone a helping hand.

(Oct 1. Moon in Can sext Ura and opp Sat. Oct 2: Merc Lib Sqr Plu Cap, Moon in Can trine Nep Pisc, opp Plu Cap, Sqr Merc Lib. Oct 3-4: Moon in Leo. Oct 5: Venus Retrograde at 1:05 pm MDT. Moon Vir trine Ura Tau and trine Sat Cap. Oct 6-7: Moon in Vir.)



Oct 8: NEW MOON at 17° Libra, 9:47 pm MDT. This New Moon carries the seeds of transformation. It is especially connected to Venus retrograde because Venus is the ruler of Libra. Venus is also Sqr Mars, which indicates some relationships could experience roadblocks. The saying “women are from Venus and men are from Mars” could be apropos from now through Oct 11. Although it may be quite uncomfortable and a little scary, this is a time when things can be revealed so that they can be healed. Not everyone will experience this in their personal lives. We may see these energies played out in the news or through the people around us. All of us can use this time to try to understand others on a deeper level. Oct 12-14: The energies are much more optimistic, energetic and upbeat now that the air has been cleared.

(Oct 9: Merc into Scor, Moon in Scor Conj Merc and opp Ura in Tau. Oct 10: Merc Scor opp Ura Tau, Moon Scor: Sqr Mars, Conj Ven, trine Nep. Ven Sqr Mars 8:29 pm MDT. Oct 11: Sun Sqr Plu, Moon Scor sext Plu and Conj Jup. Oct 12: Merc sext Sat. Oct 13: Moon Sag sext Sun Lib .Oct 14: Moon Sag trine Ura Ari, Moon in Cap Conj Sat.)



Oct 15: This is a favorable day for communications and mental perceptions. Conversations with others, something we read, or our own thoughts and ideas can prove to be enlightening and useful. Oct 16: A good day to focus on work, responsibilities and practical matters. Oct 17-18: We might feel like doing something different from our normal routine at this time or become interested in humanitarian or scientific subjects. Oct 19: Early morning dreams could be mystical or inspiring. However, be sure to stay alert in the morning and midday, as the energies could be irritable, argumentative, aggressive or accident prone. Drive carefully, avoid confrontations and count to ten (or one hundred) before speaking, emailing or tweeting. This energy will dissipate in the afternoon and all should be well by the evening. Oct 20-21: The energies this weekend are pleasant, creative, spiritual and uplifting. Enjoy.

(Oct 15: Merc Conj Ven Rx Scor. Oct 16: Moon Cap Sqr Sun Lib and sext Jup Scor. Oct 17-18: Moon Aquar. Oct 19: Mer Scor trine Nep Pisc 3:48 am MDT, Merc Sqr Mars Aquar 11:23 am MDT. Oct 20-21: Moon Pisc trine Ven, Conj Nep, trine Merc, sext Plu, trine Jup.)



Oct 22: We may be interested in understanding something on a deeper level. Spend some time trying to get to the truth. Oct 23: The Full Moon approaches and it will be an important one. Energies are volatile at this time as the Sun moves into Scorpio and opposes Uranus in Taurus. A showdown of some sort may be occurring. Oct 24: FULL MOON at 1° Taurus, 10:45 am MDT. The seeds of transformation that were planted at the New Moon on Oct 8 are now in full bloom. This Full Moon is opposite Venus retrograde and highlights issues involving love, relationships, women, creativity, money and values. These issues will reverberate for the rest of the month and rise to a crescendo by Oct 31. Venus is also sextile Saturn at this Full Moon indicating positive and steady progress can be made through patience and maturity.

Oct 25-26: We now reach an important point in the Venus retrograde cycle. The Sun and Venus are conjunct on Oct 26. We can start to fully grasp what this Venus retrograde cycle means in our own life. This may be a big deal or not depending on our individual chart. Even if our own life is not affected, we can still gain insights by observing the events in the world around us. Oct 27-28: Positive and stabilizing energies make this a pleasant weekend.

(Oct 22: Merc Scor sext Plu Cap. Oct 23: Sun into Scor 5:23 am MDT. Moon Aries Sqr Plu, Sun Scor opposite Ura Tau. Oct 24: Ven Rx Scor sext Sat Cap, Moon Tau Conj Ura, opp Ven Rx Scor, and trine Sat Cap. Oct 25: Moon Tau sext Nep Pisc, Sqr Mars Aquar, and trine Plu Cap. Oct 26: Sun Conj Ven Rx Scor, 8:15 am MDT. Oct 27: Sun Scor sext Sat Cap, Moon Gem trine Mars Aquar. Oct 28: Moon Can sext Ura Tau and trine Ven Scor.)



Oct 29: We are likely to be feeling optimistic, interested in sharing information and gaining insights. Oct 30-31: The energies from Oct 29 continue, but by the evening of Oct 30 , something surprising or sudden could upend our tranquility. The intensity and passion of Venus in Scorpio will oppose the unyielding and obstinate Uranus in Taurus. A confrontation or showdown is indicated regarding Venus Retrograde issues – love, relationships, women, creativity, money or values. It might be upsetting, or it might just be surprising. This energy is very strong the morning of Oct 31 but becomes less intense by the afternoon when Venus returns to the more objective and harmonious sign of Libra. Good Heavens and Happy Halloween!

Nov 1: An optimistic and enthusiastic day. There could be tendency to go a little overboard in the evening. Nov 2-3: We will be feeling positive and this will be a good time to focus on attending to practical details and getting things in order. Nov 4-5: We are likely to want to be with others and feeling idealistic, spiritual and willing to help.

(Oct 29: Merc Conj Jup Scor, Oct 30:Moon Can trine Jup and Merc .Moon Leo Sqr Ura and Sqr Ven. Oct 31: Ven Rx Scor opp Ura Tau at 2:45 am MDT. Venus Rx into Libra at 1:42 pm MDT. Nov 1: Moon Leo opp Mars, Sqr Jup and sext Ven. Nov 2: Moon Vir trine Sat Cap, sext Sun, trine Plu. Nov 4-5: Moon in Libra. Sun Scor trine Nep Pisc.)


Nov 6: Midterm election day in the USA.

I am neither wise enough nor foolish enough to predict the outcome, but I can tell you about the astrological energies. The Moon, which represents the mood of the people, is in Scorpio. In general, this indicates people will feel more intense, suspicious and secretive than usual.

Around 8 am on the East Coast, the Moon will oppose Uranus, the planet of surprises, changes and upsets – an indication of impatience, emotional volatility and surprises. This could reflect the obvious tensions that will exist at this time or it could indicate an event that is emotionally upsetting.

Then, at 1:50 pm on the East Coast (10:50 am on West Coast), Uranus, retrogrades out of Taurus where it has been since May 2018 and returns to Aries. Something big is shifting. Uranus is the planet of changes, surprises and upsets. But what kind of changes? We can’t take anything for granted when Uranus is involved.

The Moon will sextile Saturn at about 5:30 pm on the East Coast (2:30 pm on West Coast) and that can bring some helpful feelings of stability. However, there is too much uncertainty due to all the Uranian energies to predict the outcome. No matter what happens, there will be a lot of upset people because our country is so divided right now.

Nov 7: NEW MOON at 15° Scorpio, 9:02 am MST. This looks like a positive new start for the most part. Maybe we’re all just relieved the election is over and want to move on with our lives. Nov 8:  Another shift in energy occurs as Jupiter, the planet of optimism and abundance leaves the deep and intense sign of Scorpio and moves into the optimistic and enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so its energies feel right at home in this sign and can operate freely. This will lift spirits in general because Jupiter helps us see the big picture and the possibilities for improvement in our lives. Jupiter will stay in Sagittarius for over a year. It moves into Capricorn on December 2, 2019. Nov 9-11: This will be a happy and productive time. Venus retrograde now makes a trine to Mars indicating a positive outcome for many relationships. Nov 11: A good day to take action to reform our lives. Especially good for clearing out what is no longer needed.

(Nov 6: Ura Rx back into Aries at 11:50 am MST. Nov 7: Moon Scor sext Plu. Nov 8: Jup into Sag at 5:38 am MST. Moon Sag Conj Jup. Nov 9: Ven Rx Lib trine Mars Aquar. Nov 10: Moon Sag sext Ven, sext Mars and trine Ura. Nov 11: Sun Scor sext Plu Cap.)



Special Note for Nov 12-18: This is a period when a general cloud of confusion, misunderstanding, misinformation, technological glitches or travel mix-ups could occur. Be extra careful in all communications and don’t believe everything you hear. Avoid buying, selling and signing agreements as they are not likely to turn out the way you expected. Things could be unclear, illusionary or even deceptive. We may feel scattered and ungrounded. Let this period pass by before making up your mind about important matters.
(Merc 14° Sag Sqr Nep 14° Pisc. Merc stationary Retrograde and Nep stationary Direct stay locked in Sqr formation)

Nov 12: The reforming spirt of the previous day continues. Nov 13-15: This will be a good time to be with friends and kindred spirits. If you have been wanting to make some innovative changes in your life, this is a fortunate time to do so. Nov 16: Venus goes Direct at 3:50 am MST. See “Love Lessons” in Overview section at beginning of this newsletter. It might be enlightening to take a moment and think about our experiences involving relationships, women, creativity, money and values since early October.

On the same day Venus goes direct, Mercury goes retrograde….

November 16 – December 6: Mercury Retrograde from 13° Sagittarius back to 27° Scorpio

In astrology the planet Mercury is associated with the mind, the nervous system, speaking, learning, thinking, reasoning, memory, education, reading, information, communications, technology, transportation, travel, commerce activities, buying and selling.

When Mercury is retrograde we tend to get distracted which can cause problems in travel and communications. Be alert in all forms of communication, transportation, travel and mental activities. Mercury retrograde does not mean that everything will get mixed up, but there is an increased chance for that to happen if we don’t pay attention.

It is a good time to pause and go back over things rather than begin something brand new. Stop and look around at your life. See what needs to be finished, repaired, researched, revised or reevaluated. It is also a good time for cleaning, sorting, organizing and clearing out. It can be a serendipitous time, too, when fun, surprising and exciting events happen. Want more information on Mercury retrograde? CLICK HERE

If you know your chart, look for the house or houses that contain 27 ° Scorpio to 13° Sagittarius . If you take a positive approach and accept that you will need more patience and focus in that area of your life during the retrograde period, you can save yourself a lot of frustration.

Nov 17: Good day for creative, compassionate and spiritual pursuits, or just chill out and relax. Nov 18: The energies are more active today. Go out and have an adventure.

(Nov 12: Moon Cap sext Sun Scor. Nov 13-15: Moon in Aquar. Nov 15 :Mars Aquar sext Ura Aries, Mars into Pisc at 3:21 pm MDT. Venus Lib direct at 3:50 am, Merc Sag Retrograde at 6:33 pm. Nov 17: Moon Pisc sext plu. Nov 18: Moon Aries trine Jup Sag, Sqr Sat Cap.)



Nov 19: The adventurous energy we felt yesterday can lead to excess today. We can get a lot done now, but we need to be careful not to overdo it. Nov 20-21: Good days to take care of practical matters and get organized. Things should go smoothly. Nov 22: Happy Thanksgiving! The Moon in Taurus ensures there will be lots of tasty food for your feast with family and friends, a comfy chair in which to relax and perhaps a nap after dinner. The evening ends with a Full Moon in Gemini. We may stay up late talking. Nov 22: FULL MOON at 1° Gemini, 10:39 pm MST. Nov 23-24: Busy days with lots of visiting , shopping, coming and going. Nov 25: Good day to be with loved ones. We should have a jolly good time. If you go shopping watch a tendency to overspend and if you stay home watch a tendency to overeat. If you are out that evening, be extra careful driving as Mercury retrograde will be making an adverse aspect this evening and tomorrow morning and people may not be paying attention. That also goes for any kind of communication.

(Nov 19: Mars Pisc Sqr Jup Sag at 6:30 pm MST. Moon Aries Sqr Plu Cap 9:21 pm MST. Nov 20-21: Moon in Tau. Nov 22: Moon moves from Tau to Gem at 10:39 pm MST. Nov 23-24: Moon in Gem. Nov 25: Sun Conj Jup Sag. Moon Can trine Mars Pisc, opp Sat Cap and trine Nep Pisc. Late evening: Merc Rx Sag Sqr Mars Pisc in orb, exact on Nov 26 1:06 am)



Nov 26: As mentioned above be extra careful driving and communicating in the morning. The day in general could be tense as everybody wants to be charge. Nov 27: The energies are very positive and enthusiastic. This would be a great day for socializing or entertaining. A perfect day for extroverts. Nov 28: Somewhat like yesterday, but not quite so exuberant. It will be a good day to enjoy ourselves and relax. Nov 29: We might worry unnecessarily, be a perfectionist or just generally run around in a tizzy. Stop, slow down. Have a nice cup of tea. Nov 30: Even though Venus is direct, it will take until Dec 17 get back to where it was before it went retrograde. So, we’re not done yet. On Nov 30 Venus makes its last opposition to Uranus. (Venus opposed Uranus previously on Sep 12 and Oct 31.) This final time could be quite significant for some people, depending on their birth chart. We may also see something in the outer world that reflects the Venus retrograde cycle.

(Nov 26: Merc Rx Sag Sqr Mars Pisc. Moon Can opp Plu, Sqr Ven and Sqr Ura. Nov 27: Sun Conj Merc Rx sag. Moon Leo trine Jup Sag, trine Merc Rx Sag, and trine Sun Sag. Mars Pisc sext Sat Cap. Merc R Conj Jup Sag. Nov 28: Moon Leo. Nov 29: Moon Vir Sqr Merc Rx Sag, Sqr Jup Sag, trine Sat Cap, Sqr Sun Sag, and opp Mars Pisc. Nov 30: Ven Lib opp Ura Aries, 7:12 pm MST.)


Thanks for Reading and Let Your Love Light Shine!

Much Love to All You Beautiful Spirits,




In all of your relationships,
If you can love someone enough
to allow them to be exactly what they choose to be –
without any expectations or attachments from you –
you’ll know true peace in your lifetime.
True love means you love a person for what they are,
not for what you think they should be.

Wayne Dyer



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